What a wonderful time we had today in the Lord’s house! Our students were able to lead the main choir, sing in the first service, read Scripture, and share a testimony. It was such a blessing to sing songs of praise! We are reminded to praise the Lord every week.
During Sunday school retired Lieutenant Colonel BC Christmas gave a powerful testimony on how he praises God for his cancer! He shared about his miraculous recovery after he was told he had a 25% chance of survival. He reminded us as we all go through tribulation we need to rely on Christ for our strength. If God is for us who can be against us? What can be against us? Nothing. We are so thankful for the perfect Lamb who made all of this possible. So today & every day, praise the Lord!
Thank you to the young men and women who filled our auditorium with song and worship on Sunday. We are sad to see you go! We say good-bye to dozens of students this week but are looking forward to seeing them all again in January!