My Soul Seeks | October 17, 2021 am | Eccles. 7:23–29 | Living for More series
Why do you think people want to know the meaning and mysteries of life that only God can know?
How is your deepest problem the depravity of your heart?
How does v. 29 show the opposite of the famous evolutionary chart, “The Road to Homo Sapiens"?
How did God create Eve to be a soulmate to Adam, unlike any of the other animals?
How could Adam and Eve be naked and not ashamed (Gen. 2:25) before the Fall?
Why do you think our depraved hearts are tempted by sexual sin? What do you think our hearts are seeking?
How does 1 Corinthians 10:12-13 warn all of us that we could fall into sexual sin, but yet point us to hope of escape?
How does Ecclesiastes 7:26 say we can find escape from the woman with snares and nets?
Why do you need soul intimacy before sexual intimacy?
How does objectifying someone strip them of their dignity and worth?
What are ways you can escape sexual sin by seeking to please God more than yourself?