Finding Strength | October 10, 2021 am | Eccles. 7:19–22 | Living for More series

  1. How does gossip destroy unity in a home, in a church, in a community? 

  2. How does gossip destroy someone’s name?

  3. Why do you think the words of a talebearer taste like choice morsels?

  4. How can God’s wisdom strengthen a mighty person more than 10 mighty men?

  5. How do mighty men and women become blinded by their might?

  6. When asked, “What’s wrong with the world?” why would G.K. Chesterton say, “I am”?

  7. How can you give strength to others by being wise with your words?

  8. How do loose lips sink friendships, relationships, and fellowships?

  9. What kind of person does David describe betraying him in Psalm 55:12–14?

  10. Why should you learn to care more about what God says about you than what people say?

  11. How did Jesus use His words (Isa. 53:7)?