Welcoming Guests

Welcoming Guests

We’ve had extra room in our auditorium this summer, but summer is ending.

We want to welcome our guests in many ways:

Making Room

  • Additional parking is available across the street at Pelham Road Elementary School (100 All Star Way).

  • Extra seating will be available in Room 107.


Welcoming Guests Personally

  • Rule of 3: Greet unfamiliar faces for 3 minutes after our service.

  • Circle of 10: Greet everyone within 10 feet of you throughout the day

  • Invest 60: Take 60 seconds this week to invite a guest—use a print invite card, our website, or our social media channels.

If you would like to help guests this fall, contact our Connect Team online or stop by the Welcome Center.

Good News Club

Good News Club

You can be a part of our Good News Club at Pelham Road Elementary School each week!

To learn more about volunteering, join our leaders for an interest meeting Sunday, Aug. 11 (11:15 AM, AUD).

If you can’t join us each Tuesday from 2:30-4:00, you can still get involved by providing snacks for 25 kids at our Good News Club each week!

Would you like some suggestions? So glad you asked!

  • vanilla wafers

  • goldfish

  • rice cereal treats

  • animal crackers

  • cookies

  • fruit snacks

  • no peanut butter, please!

Make sure what you’re donating is prepackaged and free of peanuts. You can bring donations to the Welcome Center.

Foster Care Awareness Month

Foster Care Awareness Month

May is Foster Care Awareness Month. We’re helping Miracle Hill Ministries replenish their supply of diapers and wipes.

Their biggest needs are sizes 3-5. Newborn and pull-ups are not needed at this time.

The Welcome Center will have bins to receive diaper donations throughout the month of May.

Miracle Hill Ministries is one of our local gospel partners.

Miracle Hill Ministries is a nonprofit organization in the Upstate of South Carolina dedicated to providing extensive services to adults in the form of food, shelter, clothing, counseling, personal development, and addiction recovery.


We partner with Miracle Hill by supporting the Greenville Rescue Mission and hosting monthly graduation ceremonies for the Overcomers addiction recovery program.

Foster care is a major part of Miracle Hill’s ministry. Thank you for donating this month so that Miracle Hill can continue showing mercy to needy families.

Morningside Shirts: Special Release

Morningside Shirts: Special Release

It’s only been a year since our MBC-branded shirts made their debut.

T-shirts are available again April 21 and 28.

We have a limited stock of most adult sizes in 6 different color schemes while supplies last.

Get yours for only a $5 suggested donation (67% discount).

Preparing for VBS

Preparing for VBS

Jungle Journey VBS is June 2-5 (Grades 1-8, 6-8 PM).

Preparation is in full sail! We would love your help.


Volunteer your time or register your child at morningside.org/vbs.


Send our digital invitation or see the Welcome Center for invite cards.


Sunday, May 5 (1-4 pm), we are hosting a Great Jungle Journey decoration prep time in the Kids Wing. Lunch will be provided for those who sign up to help. Contact Lara Cropsey to get involved.

VBS Supplies

VBS is a great time for kids to learn God’s Word. It’s also one of our best donation drives every year. We’re collecting supplies at the Welcome Center, especially for Tree-mendous Crafts and Canopy Cafe Snacks:

Canopy Cafe Snacks Supplies

  • Chocolate sandwich cookies

  • Gummy animals

  • Chex cereal

  • Teddy grahams (honey, chocolate, cinnamon)

  • Goldfish crackers

  • Mini pretzels

  • M&Ms

  • Oyster crackers

  • Cheerios

  • Banana chips

  • Raisins/craisins

  • 1 pack twizzlers

  • Lemonade powder drink

  • Pink lemonade powder drink

  • Grape powder drink

  • MadeGood snacks (allergen free)

Tree-mendous Crafts Supplies

  • Medium-large boxes

  • Carpet tubes

  • Faux plants

  • Multicolor tissue paper

  • Pipe cleaners

  • Green card stock

  • Straws

  • Perler beads

  • Scotch Tape

  • Mini marshmallows

  • Toothpicks

  • 9" paper plates

  • White card stock

  • Glue sticks

Miracle Hill Overcomers Graduation

Miracle Hill Overcomers Graduation

Morningside Hosts Overcomers Center Graduation

March 21 (6:30 PM, Chapel)

Morningside partners with our gospel partner Miracle Hill Ministries to host the Overcomers Center Graduation.

This is how Miracle Hill Ministries describe their ministry to men:

The Overcomers Center is a 27-week residential addiction recovery program for men suffering from life-dominating addictions. We implement a biblical adaptation of the twelve-step program to help men develop the ability to live a life free from the sin of addiction. Educational and life skills classes, group and individual counseling, Bible study, devotional services, classroom instruction, and seminars are part of the four-level curriculum. After graduation guests are encouraged to stay in a Miracle Hill Transitional House for additional support as they move toward independent living.

You will be richly blessed by the story of God’s grace in these men’s lives.

Graduation ceremonies happen the 3rd Thursday of most months, and we are looking forward to hosting the ceremonies for March through June 2024.

For more information visit https://miraclehill.org/shelters/overcomers-center-for-men/

Photo Credit - Miracle Hill Ministries Website

Preparing for Easter

Preparing for Easter

This year, we celebrate Easter on March 31st. In addition to our 10:00 service, we’re providing family photo opportunities, an egg hunt, and coffee and doughnuts in the lobby. Jesus saves!

We want to invite others to our Easter services—and once they come, we want our welcome to say, “We were expecting you.”


Greet unfamiliar faces for 3 minutes after our service.

Greet everyone within 10 feet of you throughout the day

Take 60 seconds this week to invite a guest—use a print invite card (pictured below), our digital invitation, or our Facebook event.

A full electronic invitation is available at morningside.org/easter, and hundreds of these beautiful invite cards are in the lobby. Take a few to invite your friends, family, and neighbors.

Mulch Day

Before the Easter season, we enjoy extra help beautifying our grounds. March 9 is Mulch Day (8 AM). We would love to have 20-25 volunteers join us for breakfast, fellowship, and landscaping.

Donating Egg Hunt Supplies

For our kids and community families, one of the most exciting parts of our Easter celebration is…

our egg hunt.

Help us prepare by donating small candy and trinkets for our egg hunt prizes. Donations can be dropped off at the Welcome Center now through mid-March.

For candy donations, please make sure it’s individually wrapped and not (meltable) chocolate!

Good Friday Service

This year we invite you to join us on Good Friday. We will celebrate Communion and reflect on our Lord’s sacrifice (7 PM, AUD, Mar. 29).

Connect Team Training

If you would like to help guests on Easter Sunday, contact our Connect Team online or come to our interest meeting (March 10, 11:15 AM, AUD).

Valentine's Day Outreach

Valentine's Day Outreach

Valentine's Day Outreach: Multiple generations were involved in "Loving our World". Our young adults from Rooted, NEXT, and Pursue signed Valentine cards, our ladies helped prepare 128 bags with a card, candy and a gospel tract, and Pastors Ontoy and Huffman made the delivery to West Village Nursing Home where we have weekly services.

Sanctity of Life

Sanctity of Life

During our January 21, 2024 service, we will celebrate the Sanctity of Life. We will collect baby bottles to support our gospel partner Piedmont Women’s Center and name tags to help us love each other better. We are also planning a baby dedication for one of our member families.

Name Tags

Please get a name tag when you come to church on Jan. 21. Our names are personal and make us feel "human" and valued. We want everyone to feel valued on Sanctity of Life Sunday - the unborn and born! Tags will be at all entry doors.

Baby Bottles

We acknowledge that all life is precious to our Creator God. We are all created in His image from the time of conception (Psalm 139:13-14).

In an effort to support life, we have partnered with Piedmont Women’s Center to fill baby bottles with change, cash or checks. Please pick up one bottle per family in the lobby and return to the Welcome Center by the end of February.

Our liaison to Piedmont Women’s Center, Beth Cofer, will share other ways we can all get involved and support life especially through our prayers for staff and clients.

2022 Sanctity of Life Presentation

$1650 of Food For Veterans

$1650 of Food For Veterans

Thanks to our Morningside family we were able to donate $1650 worth of food on Monday, 12/4 to the Greenville VA Clinic. Dan and Gayle Wilkin along with Pastor Huffman delivered a truck load of food to Robert Kappel at the VA. Morningside’s donation was probably the largest they received for this food drive and will be used by the VA to help over 70 families this Christmas season. Before we left the facility, we had a word of prayer over the donation. Thank you Morningside for helping us fulfill our mission of loving our world!

The Veterans Affairs Office collected the non-perishable items below as well as $25 gift cards to large grocery chains.

  • Canned Green Beans

  • Gravy

  • Stuffing

  • Evaporated Milk

  • Cake Mix & Icing

  • Cranberry Sauce

  • Canned Corn

  • Rice

  • Fried Onions

  • Canned Yams

  • Macaroni

  • Mushroom Soup

  • Cornbread

  • Instant Mashed Potatoes

November Collections

November Collections

This fall, we have two opportunities to donate needs for veterans and children.

The Veterans Affairs Office is collecting the non-perishable items below as well as $25 gift cards to large grocery chains.

Items Needed for Veterans Food Drive

  • Canned Green Beans

  • Gravy

  • Stuffing

  • Evaporated Milk

  • Cake Mix & Icing

  • Cranberry Sauce

  • Canned Corn

  • Rice

  • Fried Onions

  • Canned Yams

  • Macaroni

  • Mushroom Soup

  • Cornbread

  • Instant Mashed Potatoes

Donations accepted in the lobby this November. Thank you for giving!

Fall Carnival

This year's Fall Carnival is October 29th from 5:00-7:00pm. Children and families will enjoy trunk or treat, games, inflatables, hot dogs, face painting, and more. We need your help! Please consider volunteering for this outreach event.

And carnival candy donations are welcome anytime at our Welcome Center!



Morningside cares about those who are grieving loss. Please tell your friends and family about our upcoming GriefShare support groups on Wednesday nights from 6:45 - 8 PM at Morningside Baptist Church (1115 Pelham Road Greenville SC 29615).

You can help us spread the word about this event by sharing our Facebook Event on your personal FB account.

Welcoming Guests

Welcoming Guests

We’ve had extra room in our auditorium this summer, but summer is ending.

We want to welcome our guests in many ways:

Making Room

  • Additional parking is available across the street at Pelham Road Elementary School.

  • Extra seating will be available in Room 107.

Welcoming Guests Personally

  • Rule of 3: Greet unfamiliar faces for 3 minutes after our service.

  • Circle of 10: Greet everyone within 10 feet of you throughout the day

  • Invest 60: Take 60 seconds this week to invite a guest—use a print invite card, our website, or our social media channels.

Join us after the August 20 PM service for a free Watermelon Welcome.

If you would like to help guests this fall, contact our Connect Team online or stop by the Welcome Center.

Day of Prayer for Greenville County Schools

Day of Prayer for Greenville County Schools

Morningside Baptist Church is joining The HUB (Help, Unify, Bless) in the 2nd annual Day of Prayer for Greenville County Schools on Saturday, August 5. We have adopted Pelham Road Elementary School (PRES) as our school to focus on this year.

Please join us on Saturday, 8/5 from 10-10:30 AM for a prayer walk to PRES. We will meet in the Morningside Chapel parking lot for a prayer walk over to the school.

For questions, please contact Pastor Steven Huffman or Vince Waltz.

Back to School Splash

Back to School Splash

Morningside is excited to host our Back to School Splash on Wednesday, August 2 from 7:00-8:30 pm. Our goal is to give away school supplies, pass out Gospel literature and invite children to our weekly Awana program. Isaiah117 will provide a lemonade stand. Kids can enjoy inflatables, treats and carnival games. You can help by donating school supplies at the Welcome Center.

We have LOTS of pencils! We are still in need of:

  • Erasers

  • Glue sticks

  • 24-pack Crayola crayons

Isaiah 117 House

Isaiah 117 House

Isaiah 117 House

Join us on Friday, 7/14 or Saturday, 7/15 as we support a new ministry coming to Greenville who has a mission of "changing the way foster care begins."

"Isaiah 117 house provides physical and emotional support in a safe and loving home for children awaiting placement."

How can you help?

Isaiah 117 house will be set up In Morngingside's parking lot (1115 Pelham Road Greenville SC 29615) from 8 AM - 8 PM on Friday (7/14) and Saturday (7/15) where you can get your car washed and get some lemonade at the lemonade stand. Please consider making a donation, getting your car washed, buying some lemonade or even volunteering your time to help after the Men's Prayer breakfast on 7/15.

For more information, please contact Pastor Steven Huffman. Please visit their website: https://isaiah117house.com and see ways to get involved with the Greenville location: https://linktr.ee/isaiah117housegreenvillesc

Host Chinese Students This Summer

Host Chinese Students This Summer

Students from a Christian school in China are looking for host families while attending camps in the Greenville area July 13-24 & July 21-31.  Families will need to be able to transport students to BJU daily or CCES.  Students range in age from 8-18 years old.  Preference if possible, is for 2 students per host family. Compensation is given for their stay.

Please contact Catherine King (770-710-8485) or Pastor Steven Huffman for details.

There is a questionnaire for host families to fill out. 

Spring Fling

Spring Fling

We have an opportunity to participate in the Spring Fling at Pelham Road Elementary School. On Friday, May 19 from 3:30-7:00pm, we will be setting up a table on the school property to give away bags filled with VBS and Awana invite cards, Wordless book bracelets (made by our MK) & tract and candy. If you are interested in being a host at our Morningside table at the Spring Fling for part of the time, you can sign up below. We would love for you all to be involved! Wear your MBC shirt!