Thanks to our Morningside family we were able to donate $1650 worth of food on Monday, 12/4 to the Greenville VA Clinic. Dan and Gayle Wilkin along with Pastor Huffman delivered a truck load of food to Robert Kappel at the VA. Morningside’s donation was probably the largest they received for this food drive and will be used by the VA to help over 70 families this Christmas season. Before we left the facility, we had a word of prayer over the donation. Thank you Morningside for helping us fulfill our mission of loving our world!
The Veterans Affairs Office collected the non-perishable items below as well as $25 gift cards to large grocery chains.
Canned Green Beans
Evaporated Milk
Cake Mix & Icing
Cranberry Sauce
Canned Corn
Fried Onions
Canned Yams
Mushroom Soup
Instant Mashed Potatoes