Every year, the United States of America formally recognizes the need to give thanks. This year, it’s November 26. (Every day should be Thanksgiving Day, right?)
This year, Morningside is also setting aside our November 22 service for formally recognizing something else that shouldn’t need formal recognition:
Our God deserves our praise.
Maybe we shouldn’t have to set aside times for formally recognizing that. But as often as we forget to praise God, maybe setting aside time just to praise Him might not be a bad idea either.
Like setting aside a day for thanksgiving.
Plans for our praise service include:
Readings from Revelation 5
“In Christ Alone” from our choir and orchestra
“How Great His Love”
“Is He Worthy?”
Morningside Baptist Church choir and orchestra lead the congregation in “A Mighty Fortress Is Our God,” November 8, 2020.
Several musicians and readers plan to help lead us before their holiday travels begin. We hope to see you there.