Last Sunday, "You Are the Christ" opened our 10 AM service with a more intimate mood than usual. But the 9 AM service began in a rousing fashion as the Morningside Singers presented "O Worship the King."
This week we celebrate Communion for the first time in many months.
Morningside Singers
Morningside Singers meet at 8:45 in the chapel.
This Week: "Holy, Holy, Holy"
Rehearsal: 11:00-11:45 AM, Choir Room
Date pending: "Beneath the Cross of Jesus" (Koerts)
Choir & Orchestra
Meet at 9:00 in the auditorium.
This week we present "Holy Is He"/"Holy, Holy, Holy" to open the 10:00 service.
We'll also rehearse upcoming music:
10/25: Nothing Ever Can, Nothing Ever Will (Thin Blue Line Sunday, full orchestra)
11/1: In God We Trust, in God Alone (new for orchestra)
Christmas Program, 12/13: "Christ Has Come for All"
Children's Choir
Biweekly Rehearsal: 11:00-11:45 AM, South Wing
Next Ministry: 11/15 AM, "Jesus Strong and Kind"
10/25: Thin Blue Line Sunday
11/1: Civil Leaders Sunday
11/22: Praise Service
12/13: Combined Christmas Program
Sunday, 12/13, 10:00 AM