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Our women’s Bible study has been helpful to many MBC women for many years. Women’s Bible Study resumes online on Tuesday morning September 8 and will meet virtually the second and fourth Tuesday mornings of most months through April. You may register online or with the printable form.

9:30 to 10:20 a.m.—Discussion Groups using Google Hangouts, Zoom, or by small groups in a home

10:30 to 11:15 a.m.—Lesson on YouTube

Study Book—Myrna Alexander, After God’s Heart: A Bible Study for Women on Loving and Obeying God from I Samuel

Myrna Alexander introduces us to people who grew in faith by applying their knowledge of God to their daily circumstances. We see real people—Hannah, Samuel, David, Jonathan—as they wrestled with godly principles and human temptations. They cared enough about God to follow His commands and thus became living definitions of what it means to be after God’s heart . . . Humanity praises externals and makes performance the criterion for success; God is concerned with heart attitudes. As in biblical days, the eyes of God search the earth for people whose hearts resonate with His.

Book Price--$13.00. You may purchase a book before or after a morning service beginning August 9, or you may stop by the church office after August 9. You will also receive a schedule bookmark at that time.

Lesson Handouts—These may be downloaded from our YouTube channel, or you may request handouts be sent to you by email by checking the appropriate box on the form below. Sign-Up Form—Please fill out and submit the following form if you would like to join us for Bible study this fall. Also indicate whether you are interested in joining a discussion group, hosting a discussion group in your home, or receiving a lesson handout by email.

Please plan to join Women’s Bible study online this fall.

-Mrs. Jeanette Miller