Dangers of Loving Money | July 4, 2021 am | Eccles. 5:8–12 | Living for More series

  1. What priorities would you incorporate in your life based on these verses regarding the poor? 

  2. What are ways you can do something about injustice, rather than just “marveling at the matter” (v. 8)?

  3. Have you found that you are obsessed with keeping your things and your bank account safe? What does that tell you about what you are living for? How does that reflect a grateful spirit or lack thereof?

  4. Why is the love of money so destructive?

  5. How do you pursue contentment with where God has placed you? In what ways and situations do you give Him thanks for what He has given to you?

  6. To measure your true asset base ask yourself: How much treasure are you laying up for yourself in heaven (Matt. 6: 19–20)? How is that done?

  7. What priorities would you incorporate into your life based on these verses regarding the poor? 

  8. What are ways you can do something about injustice, rather than just “marveling at the matter” (v. 8)?

  9. How do you sleep at night? What is contributing to that?