Blessing Enemies
Romans 12:14-21
You can overcome evil with good by…
Blessing your enemies (14-15, 20)
Not seeking your own revenge (17, 19)
Making peace with everyone (18)
Having Gospel humility (16)
1. How did the Holy Spirit illuminate or convict you of truth from this sermon?
2. The Christians in the early church faced persecution from various groups. How does this historical context make Paul's instructions in Romans 12:14-21 more impactful? Can you think of modern-day examples where Christians face persecution?
3. The first point in overcoming evil with good is to "bless your enemies." Why is blessing your enemies such a radical concept? How does it go against our natural instincts? How can the example of Jesus inspire us to bless those who persecute us?
4. "Blessing" is compared to giving a eulogy, a tribute usually reserved for loved ones. How does this comparison challenge our understanding of blessing others? What does it mean to bless someone who wishes harm upon us?
5. The idea of rejoicing with those who rejoice and weeping with those who weep is mentioned. How can these actions help build empathy and compassion in our relationships, especially with those who might be considered our enemies?
6. The concept of "heap coals of fire on his head" is discussed. What does this phrase mean in the context of the passage? How does this action align with the overall message of blessing enemies?
7. The second point is to "not seek your own vengeance." Why is seeking vengeance a natural human response? How does this desire for revenge affect us emotionally and spiritually? How can trusting in God's sovereignty impact our approach to justice?
8. The third point emphasizes making peace with everyone. What challenges might arise when trying to live peaceably with all people? How do you balance the desire for peace with the recognition that some situations might be beyond reconciliation?
9. The final point is to have Gospel humility, focusing on embracing humility and recognizing God's mercy. How can understanding the depth of God's mercy and love lead us to respond with humility and grace? How does this perspective change the way we view others, even those who mistreat us?