Enduring Trials

Romans 12:12


3 Ways We Endure Trials:

1. Rejoice in hope (12a)

2. Persevere in tribulation (12b)

3. Be devoted to prayer (12c)


  1. How did the Holy Spirit illuminate or convict you of truth from this sermon?

  2. According to the sermon, what is the leading cause of disability for Americans ages 15-44? How can having hope counteract this issue?

  3. In the sermon, Pastor Crockett mentioned three ways to endure trials. What are they, and how can you apply them in your life?

  4. How does the helmet of salvation play a role in protecting our minds from Satan's temptations? How can you apply this concept in your daily life?

  5. According to the sermon, where should true happiness be found? Why is finding happiness in God essential for enduring trials?

  6. How does the parable of the persistent widow in Luke 18 relate to the idea of being devoted to prayer? How can you develop a more persistent prayer life?

  7. Share a specific promise from the Bible that you can claim in prayer for yourself, your family, or your community. How does this promise give you hope and perseverance?

  8. The sermon mentioned that being devoted to prayer can make you optimistic even in challenging times. How can you maintain optimism in your life through a consistent prayer life?

  9. Describe the story of the Christian man who had an ongoing conversation with Christ through an empty chair. What can you learn from his example, and how can you apply it to your prayer life?