Family Love (Rom. 12:10)
What did the Holy Spirit teach you from this passage?
Why does family love mean devoted love (v. 10)?
Even when this family love doesn't feel natural, where do we get help (1 Thess. 4:9)?
Why is it difficult to show devoted family love without making that love official through church membership (analogies: marriage or adoption)?
How does this devoted family love require tangible, in-person serving, not just remote well wishes (see 1 John 3:17-19 or Heb. 10:24-25)?
What are ways you can show this "one another" love to your church family this week?
If healthy families don't give up on each other, how does that apply to a church family?
How can an individual communion packet undermine the significance and symbolism of the original Lord's Supper?
Homework: Look up the 100 "one another" references in the NT; or at least, the 59 positive "one another" commands.