Loving Community John 17:20-23


A. Because of sin, you have a deep need for loving community. (20-21a)

  • See we were not created to be separate, to be alone. We were made for fellowship, for community, for oneness with our Creator and each other.

  • Adam & Eve had enjoyed the same kind of fellowship & community that the Trinity, the 3 persons of the Godhead had enjoyed. The Father, Son & Spirit have existed in perfect fellowship and eternal harmony from before time began.

  • Adam & Eve were clothed in the love & acceptance of God. But now that His love & acceptance stripped away by sin—they feel naked, vulnerable, and exposed.

  • Not only does sin destroy the oneness between us and our Creator. It destroys the oneness between us and each other.

  • Satan's lie #1: “You will be as God. You’ll be your own god. You won’t need His help anymore. You can be independent, alone, all by yourself.” And that’s a lie. Because there’s only One who is self-existent, who is self-sufficient. God.

  • Satan's lie #2: “I can’t become part of a community, because they won’t understand me. I’m unique. No one could possibly know what I’m going through.”

B. When you live in loving community, you point the world to Christ. (21b-23)

  • Our oneness is a testimony to the world that Jesus is from God.

  • When Christians show charity toward each other, it sends a powerful message to the world about Christ.

  • So when we’re not one, when you refuse to forgive another Christian, what are you doing? In a sense, you’re denying to the world that God loves you.

  • Verse 23 has the audacity to say the Father’s love for His adopted children is to the same degree as His love for His only begotten Son.

  • Because you are loved completely, you can completely love.


  1. What did the Holy Spirit teach you from this passage?

  2. Why do you feel lonely? What causes us to feel alienation from God and separation from each other?

  3. Before Adam and Eve sinned, why were they not ashamed to be naked before God? What were they clothed in?

  4. Why do you think you're tempted to retreat to the privacy of your room, your phone, your screen-- rather than lean into relationships, community, and accountability?

  5. What's so dangerous about Satan's lie that "you will be as God-- you can be independent, autonomous, self-sufficient"?

  6. What's so dangerous about Satan's lie that "I'm the only one going through this. No one else is facing this. No one can understand or sympathize with me."

  7. According to James 4:1 where do divorces, shootings, wars and terrorism come from?

  8. Why is it important for the world to see an ability to regenerate our broken relationships?

  9. How can knowing you're loved completely (v. 23) help you live in loving community?