Feeding God’s Flock (1 Peter 5:1-2)



1.    What did the Holy Spirit teach you from this passage?

2.    How does Peter’s identification in verse 1 show his humility?

3.    Why does Peter go through so much effort to show that he is on equal footing with his audience and not above them?

4.    Where in the Bible are people spoken of as being like sheep with God as their shepherd?

5.    In what ways can we be like sheep?

6.    Jesus talked about the dangers of a bad shepherd watching the flock, what does it look like for a pastor to poorly watch the sheep?

7.    How is the church corporately like a flock of sheep?

8.    When you’re called to lead others spiritually (maybe shepherding your kids or your family or your small group or your SS class), how can you show the kind of humility, Peter shows here?


Prayer: Thank God for His care for you. Thank Him for always working for your benefit. Ask Him to give you the strength and the will to follow Him wherever He leads.