When You Work for a Jerk 1 Pet. 2:18
1. What did the Holy Spirit teach you from this passage?
2. Have you had someone tell you that the Bible condones slavery?
3. How does this sermon help you answer that accusation?
4. What’s an example of a time when a person in authority over you was harsh, mean or unjust?
5. What was it like having to be under that kind of authority?
6. How was it easier to submit when a person in authority over you was kind, pleasant and fair.
7. In what ways does submitting to an unreasonable authority give you a better opportunity to reflect Christ?
8. How does that kind of submission prove the transformational power of the Gospel?
9. How does realizing your work is ultimately for the Lord (Eph. 6:5-7) help you submit even when your boss is a jerk?