Hope in the Unseen Christ Pastor Crockett 1 Pet. 1:8-9
Hope in Trials series
1. Why do we need to rest in the tender heart of Christ more than we need food, shelter, friends, support, or encouragement?
2. How does sound doctrine matter not as an end, but as a means of seeing and preserving God’s beauty?
3. What biblical examples do we have that seeing is not believing?
4. How is believing actually seeing Christ with eyes of faith?
5. How can we see Christ more clearly through His Word than if we saw Him physically in person?
6. Have you experienced joy so intense or profound that it was inexpressible? What was that like?
7. How does receiving a foretaste of heavenly glory give you hope in your trials?
8. What did you think about when you saw the small church of Ukrainian brothers and sisters singing “In Christ Alone” as the air raid sirens went off?
9. How can you love, trust, and rejoice in the unseen Christ?