Remember Your Creator Pastor Crockett Jan. 9, 2022 am Eccles. 12:1-5
1. If “remembering your Creator” means being mindful of Him in every part of life, how does that apply to your relationships, finances, evangelism, discipleship, and service?
2. As a single person/married person, how can you remember your Creator in the days of your youth?
3. When you hear/feel how hard aging is/will be, how does that make you feel?
4. Look at Psalm 71:17-18, how does the truth that God will not forsake you when you’re old and gray-headed help you cope with the reality of aging?
5. Look again at Psalm 71:17-18, how does the truth that you can show God’s strength to this generation and His power to everyone that is to come help you find purpose in old age?
6. Look at 2 Corinthians 5:1-5. How does Paul’s metaphor of your body being a temporary tent, help you deal with the aging process?
7. Look at 2 Corinthians 4:16-18. How does Paul’s reference to your outer self perishing, while your inner self is being renewed day by day help you focus on spiritual growth even during physical decline?
8. Look at Psalm 92:12-14, how does God’s promise to aging Christians that they can be like trees growing in the house of the Lord and still bear fruit in old age, help you find purpose in old age?