Solomon is addressing the question, “What is the meaning of life?” And he says, “Under the sun (without God), everything is meaningless.”

 Solomon is going to examine three popular schools of philosophy:

 1.    Humanism: “Man is the measure of all things.”

2.    Hedonism: “The only meaning in life is to pursue pleasures right now.”

3.    Existentialism: “Life is meaningless, but live a life of courage and morality anyway.”

 John 1 shows us Jesus is the Logos, the purpose for life. Now everything has meaning.

 Application questions:

 1.    If you are a Christian, how does your view of the meaning of life differ from non-Christians you know? When your gaze is focused ‘higher than the sun’, how does that perspective differ from someone whose gaze goes no higher than the sun? In what ways is life with God different than life without God?

 2.    What are things non-Christians chase after to give their life meaning?

 3.    Have you ever had a season of your life where it felt like everything was dark and meaningless? What did you learn about yourself and God during that experience?

 4.    How does your faith in God help provide hope in the most difficult seasons of your life?