Today I want to resume our series, “Beneath the Cross.”
Since Covid hit, we haven’t turned to Mark’s Gospel, except on Palm Sunday where we saw in verses 1-11, how Jesus is a Misunderstood King.
As we’ve looked at the life of Christ in Mark, we’ve seen Him perform great miracles with the power of God.
Have you ever wondered, “What you’d do, if you had supernatural, miraculous power at your fingertips?” Would you try to impress people?
· You could show up at your date’s house without a car and just fly her around the city in your arms like Superman.
· Wives, would that earn your husband some bonus points if he could treat you like Lois Lane on your date night?
· Or you could snap your finger and “boom” all the dishes are washed. Your wife really would believe a miracle had occurred.
If you had divine power, you could make your friends rich and your enemies charcoal.
A texting driver swerves in front of you, and suddenly fire & brimstone sail down and poof, no more texting.
There are probably good reasons why God doesn’t give us this miracle-wielding power.
But He does give Jesus this power.