How many times do you see other young adults and people your age actively serving in their church? Unfortunately, it’s probably not very often. Most of the time, you probably see the older people doing a lot of the ministry in your church.
You probably like the idea of being involved,
but you are afraid of overcommitment.
You might feel overwhelmed. Sure, it makes sense. It’s hard to know where your limits are. You have career goals in mind. Maybe you’re thinking about marriage or children. You have other responsibilities outside of work and home too. And on top of all of that, someone at your church just asked you to serve in a ministry. How can you possibly manage all of that?
Well guess what? You’re not alone. There are so many people just like you.
What does involvement in your church mean?
Everyone should be involved in their church in one way or another.
Let’s start with what involvement does not mean. Involvement does not mean that you have to serve in every ministry and outreach program that your church offers. No matter what size your church is, being involved in everything is impossible.
What it does mean is using your gifts to serve the body of Christ. Peter has a lot to say about spiritual gifts and how to use those. Everyone has something they can do to edify the church.
As every man [has] received the gift, even so minister the same one to another, as good stewards of the manifold grace of God.
1 Peter 4:10
How do I start?
Start with one thing you like doing. Is there a way you can use something you like and are good at to edify others in your church? Be creative! Involvement in your church is more that helping in the nursery or teaching Sunday school. Look for ways to use what you enjoy.
Remember, the people who have been serving for years were just like you at one time. They didn’t become an expert in whatever ministry they are involved with overnight. Sure, they have more experience than you do - that’s true. But they had to start somewhere. So do you. Learn from them!
So jump into something! Don’t be afraid. Serving in your church is very rewarding. You get to meet new people, get to know other people better, and most important, serve with your brothers and sisters in Christ to ultimately bring glory to God.