Steven Huffman and Rob Sacco at Pelham Road Elementary School for Real Dudes Read (February 13, 2020)

Steven Huffman and Rob Sacco at Pelham Road Elementary School for Real Dudes Read (February 13, 2020)

Morningside Men,

Please sign up to be a part of the community by participating in the Real Dudes Read program at Pelham Road Elementary School. You can be a positive mentor in the life of a student. Our Senior Pastor, Josh Crockett, participated in November. Let me encourage you to participate in the upcoming programs on Thursday, 1/9/20; 2/13/20; and 3/12/20 from 8:00 – 8:45 AM. Sign up today using this Sign-up Genius link:

Here is a description of the opportunity.

Dear Dudes, We need your help! Be a part of our "Real Dudes Read" Program at Pelham Road Elementary School. We want to increase the presence of male role models at our school.  You will spend about 30 minutes of your time with a class of awesome students reading and sharing ways that you read in your real life or career, and will also be able to share some of your favorite books you read and enjoyed as a kid! The window that we have designated for each class is from 8:15 - 8:45 AM . Teachers will have pre-selected book(s) ready for you, so all you have to do is show up. You may also bring your own children's book to read to the class; be sure to email the teacher in advance of what you will be reading if you decide to bring your own book. Make sure that is age appropriate for the grade level that you select. Also, if you want to be assigned to a particular class, please note that on the survey in the comment section. We will do our best to match you with your teacher choice. We are so excited about this program! Our students love having dudes in our school with this program. We look forward to your support. Happy Reading!