At Morningside, our mission is Loving God, Loving Each Other, and Loving our World.
Loving God
We love God at 10:00 on Sunday where we gather to lift our voices and hearts in worship, as we sing to our great God and let His Word change our lives.
Loving Each Other
We love each other at 11:00 as we meet in smaller, S.S. classes to encourage & care for each other.
Loving our World
We love our world as we reach out to Greenville, and send others to plant churches across our country and around the globe.
Welcome Home
We're a multi-generational multi-ethnic church. We have services in Spanish & English and Chinese & Arabic.
We're not a perfect Church but we're passionate about knowing God and growing in His Word.
So if you're looking for a Church where you can love God, be loved, and love others, please come as our guest, and become part of our family. Welcome home to Morningside!
Morningside is a multicultural church. We not only welcome people of every race and ethnic background, but we actually have language ministries in Spanish, Chinese, and Arabic.
Morningside offers a church within a church for our Hispanic community. Iglesia Bautista Nuevo Amanecer is a thriving ministry under the direction of Pastor Manuel and Mary Mendoza.
They offer a wide range of ministries, classes, outreach opportunities, and activities in the Spanish language and Hispanic culture while also enjoying the benefits of being a part of the larger English ministry of Morningside Baptist Church.
For more information or to get involved, please contact Pastor Manuel Mendoza or call 864.297.7890.
On Sunday evenings at 5:00 pm at Morningside, a Bible study is offered in the Arabic language. This group has a variety of speakers and is designed to share the love of Jesus Christ. For more information or to get involved, please contact Zarief Mina.
CHINESE (Mandarin)
Our growing Chinese ministry meets on Sunday mornings at 10:00 for a worship service in the Mandarin language. We also offer a Chinese Bible Study on Wednesday nights at 7:00 pm, a basketball and badminton outreach ministry, and fellowship times together. For more information or to get involved, please contact Pastor Kevin Chen.
Morningside has a heart for missions and taking the Gospel into all the world, but we cannot carry out the work of missions alone. We currently partner with almost 80 missionaries and mission organizations around the world in our effort to fulfill the Great Commission. Please click here for a list of Morningside supported missionaries and mission organizations.
Our missionaries come from various mission boards, including Morningside’s local church mission board, Open Door Baptist Missions.
Missions Conference is one of the highlights of the year at our church. Flags are hung to represent past and present missionary partners and displays are setup in the lobby to familiarize our people with what God is doing in missions around the world. Our conference meets on two Sundays and the Wednesday in between. We hear from main speakers who challenge us about the work of missions as well as hear missionary presentations from present or potential missionary partners. One of the highlights of the conference is sharing the generous gifts of our Morningsiders with the missionaries presenting their ministries in the conference.
MISSIONary hall of fame
We all have heroes. At Morningside we have featured missionary heroes of the past. You are invited to browse our museum-quality missionary displays to familiarize yourself with missionaries as early as the Apostle Paul and as recent as John Dreisbach.
If you would like to take a free tour, please contact Pastor Steven Huffman or call 864.297.7890.
Communication is vital to any relationship. We provide missionary boards that feature prayer letters from our missionaries in the church entryway that is close to the Welcome Center. We also provide various opportunities for our Morningsiders to write our missionaries. If you would like to be a part of communicating with our missionaries, please contact Ron Countryman.
Foster ministry
As a church we are engaged in foster ministry. Not only do we have church members who serve as foster families, but we promote foster care and have drives to help foster children locally. If you are interested in foster care ministry at Morningside, please contact Jonathan Harper.
We are looking for volunteers who care about reaching our neighborhood and showing Christ's love to the next generation. We have been given a tremendous opportunity to serve our neighbor across the street, Pelham Road Elementary school, by providing mentors to meet with students for 30 minutes (usually during their school breakfast or lunch) a week. Please contact Pastor Jeff Webb for more details.
During the school year, on Tuesday afternoons after school, Morningside provides an outreach to Pelham Road Elementary Public School. This evangelistic ministry presents the gospel in a fun and imaginative way and gives further opportunity to invest in the families of our community through weekly connections. For more information or to get involved, please contact John Burnette.
The Greenville Rescue Mission provides an essential service to our Greenville community. The third Monday night of each month, Morningside hosts the evening service at the Rescue Mission. Service opportunities include preaching, sharing a testimony, leading singing, or providing special music. To find out how you can get involved, please contact Jim O’Donnell.
The Lord is bringing the world to Greenville, and some of them want to learn English. Morningside provides a free class to teach basic English. The class meets on Sunday mornings from 9:00–10:15 am.
church visitation
Our church visitation meets on Wednesday nights from 6:45–8:00 pm. Morningsiders are encouraged to commit to one Wednesday a month to participate in making visits. Parents are welcome to include their children and make this a family ministry. For more information or to get involved, please contact Pastor Steven Huffman.
TRACT distribution
Morningside is committed to getting the gospel proclaimed both locally and around the world. To assist our Morningsiders in that effort, we provide a wide assortment of free tracts, including seasonal tracts. Please contact Ron Countryman if you need assistance with our tracts.
After over a year of consulting with graphic designers and members in the church, the pastoral staff is excited to present the new visual identity for Morningside.
The three columns form an "M" for Morningside, but they also represent our three-fold mission: Loving God; loving each other; loving our world.
Loving God
The Great Commandment (Deuteronomy 6:5) is to love God with all our heart, soul, and might.
Loving each other
But as New Testament believers, we're called to do that in the context of a local church, where we obey the New Commandment (John 13:34) to love each other.
Loving our world
We are also called to fulfill the Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20) to proclaim the Good News of God's love for the world.
The shape of a pentagon pointing up is a signature architectural motif on our campus. You will notice five layers of these upward-directed pentagons on the front of our main building. The front of the old building, now the Spanish lobby, has the same pentagon-shaped window.
The entryway overhangs and main doors to the church have this same pentagon shape. This shape was also used for the current church sign--even the window in the gym.
Just like our steeple, these upward directed pentagons reminds us that everything we do as a local church should be pointing to God and His glory.
The new visual identity retains the exterior circle from our old logo that reminds us that we are a church on mission-- to take the Gospel not just to our own community, but also to the ends of the earth.