Missions Conference

Missions Conference

Our 2022 missions conference is on January 30th, February 2nd and 6th. Our theme for the conference will be "Every Believer. Every Platform. Every Nation."

Dr. Rick Cross from Acorn Global Advance will be our special speaker on January 30th.

With an interactive exhibit in our church lobby and through our in-person service on Wednesday, February 2nd, our conference focused on the gospel opportunities in China. The world’s most populous nation, China is officially closed to gospel work. But God’s plan is not closed, and we are excited to share what the Lord is doing there.

Living for More: Looking Back

Living for More: Looking Back


One of the reasons we can look forward to 2022 is what God showed us in 2021. Members have received our beautiful annual report.

And here’s our moving Year in Review video. Thanks to Rich Streeter and the media team for putting this together.

Immediately following the 5 pm service we held a fellowship in the chapel. We provided drinks and pizza. We invited everyone to donate cans of soup the Greenville Rescue Mission can serve this winter.

After you finish eating, we hope you can stay and fellowship with our church family now that our newly renovated gym will be open. And please bring your favorite board games to play in the chapel.

Sanctity of Life & Baby Bottles

Sanctity of Life & Baby Bottles

During our January 16 online service, we celebrated the Sanctity of Life. We acknowledged that all life is precious to our Creator God. We are all created in His image from the time of conception (Psalm 139:13-14). We also took time to lament and seek God’s mercy for the millions of lives lost due to abortion.

In an effort to support life, we have partnered with Piedmont Women’s Center to fill baby bottles with change, cash or checks. Please pick up one bottle per family in the lobby and return to the Welcome Center by the end of February. Our liaison to Piedmont Women’s Center, Beth Cofer, shared other ways we can all get involved and support life especially through our prayers for staff and clients. Watch below to hear what Beth shared on Sunday.

Sanctity of Life Sunday

Sanctity of Life Sunday

EDITED JANUARY 16: Baby bottles available in the lobby when Morningside reopens!

One way we can show God’s love to our world is by standing for life.

You can support our local gospel partner the Piedmont Women’s Center this Sanctity of Life Sunday, January 16.

We’ll have baby bottles in the lobby for you to take–and to bring back with change, cash, or checks.

Piedmont Women’s Center will use your donation to help parents choose life.

Interview with Shelly Hamilton

Interview with Shelly Hamilton

Christians often struggle to reach out to or support those dealing with mental illness.

Jonathan Hamilton dealt with mental illness for much of his life, and his mother Shelly has written Always Only Good about their story. Pastor Josh Crockett interviewed Shelly about her book on December 12, and Shelly signed copies in the lobby afterwards.

Shelly wrote, she says,

to share my son’s journey because of my great love for him

to give others . . . a snapshot view into the life of someone living with mental illness and thereby help them be better supporters

to impart how I personally discovered God is good through and because of mental illness

to assure those dealing with mental illness that they are not alone.

Building Plans for 2022

Building Plans for 2022

Our members voted on Dec. 5, and in 2022 we’re planning to begin a redesign of our auditorium and to renovate a first-floor hallway into a multi-purpose room.

Our auditorium sound system is original to our 1999 building, and many of us have been hoping to replace it for many years. While we prepare for a new sound system, we’ll make sure any updates to the auditorium will be included in the design so that the sound will keep working once they’re done.

While we launch that, we’re planning to continue renovating our first floor.

Open Door Baptist Missions offices currently occupy several small rooms in this hallway near the gym:

ODBM plans to turn two upstairs classrooms into a main office and a meeting room (both with windows looking out at our green space!)

Then we plan to turn the space they’ve vacated into a large multi-purpose room suitable for small groups and fellowship. Here are some early renderings. We are excited about the possibilities!

Holiday Schedule

Holiday Schedule

The holidays of Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year’s are all full of meaning for believers, and we are celebrating each season in many ways. Our special Christmas programs will be December 12 (choir and orchestra, O Little Town of Bethlehem, 10 AM) and December 19 (children’s choir, Wow! It’s Christmas, 5 PM). Click or tap here for our full holiday schedule.

Our choir and orchestra and children’s choir combined their programs in 2019 and 2020, and this year we’re thankful to plan separate programs again.

Pie & Praise - Happy Thanksgiving!

Pie & Praise - Happy Thanksgiving!

This year the Thanksgiving season includes the return of our Pie & Praise evening service (Nov. 21, 5 PM). We’ll begin with our service in the auditorium. Our Pursue mission team to Reno will share the ways they saw God at work. Afterwards we’ll enjoy pie in the chapel—pies and drinks provided.

Our 2019 service featured an update from Dan Cadavos, ODBM missionary to the Philippines. Dan had recently lost his wife and testified of God’s grace strengthening him to serve. (Some may also remember the peanut story that Dan shared earlier this year.)

This year we get to celebrate in the renovated chapel! If you’re able to come on November 21, bring a friend--we’ll have plenty of pie to share.

Happy Thanksgiving! Get our full holiday schedule here.

Praise Service and Holiday Schedule

Praise Service and Holiday Schedule

November 14 is our second annual Praise Service. The theme of our 2020 service was “Worthy,” and it featured our Rooted college-age ministry with assistance from our Pursue young-adult group.

Rooted Men sing “How Great His Love” in our Worthy praise service, November 22, 2020.

This year’s service focuses on God’s holiness and features the choir and orchestra that we’re so glad has grown again. With orchestrated congregational singing and assistance from our choir and Rooted men as well, we will praise God for reconciling us to Him in holiness.

The holidays of Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year’s are all full of meaning for believers, and we are celebrating each season in many ways. Our special Christmas programs will be December 12 (choir and orchestra, O Little Town of Bethlehem) and December 19 (children’s choir, Wow! It’s Christmas).

Click or tap here for our full holiday schedule.

Helping People With Sexual Brokenness

Helping People With Sexual Brokenness

We are blessed to have Dr. Bruce Meyer as our guest speaker from Bob Jones University Seminary. He is an innovative counselor and adept at teaching on sexual issues. Please join us as we learn how to help people Biblically with relevant topics in today’s culture. This class is designed for high school age (9th grade) and above. Middle School teens may attend with a parent.

Session 1: Broken by Sexual Sin (Notes)

Session 2: Broken by Same Sex Attraction (Notes)

Session 3: Broken by Gender Confusion (Notes)

Fall Carnival (Oct. 30)

Fall Carnival (Oct. 30)

Fall Carnival Business Card front.png

We are looking forward to welcoming the community to our annual Fall Carnival this month! This event provides opportunities to fulfill our church’s mission of “loving our world” by engaging in meaningful conversations and serving others.

You can also “love others” by volunteering to serve alongside your fellow Morningsiders. Click on the link below to choose from a variety of opportunities. (If you will be decorating your trunk, make sure to bring candy too!)

Community health concerns didn’t allow us to host the 2020 carnival, so we’re especially thankful to have it return! The 2019 carnival went indoors due to inclement weather, but we still had a great time. We hope to see you on October 30 for our first outdoor carnival in years!

2021 Homecoming and Pig Pickin

Give Him the glory,

Great things He hath done!

-Fanny Crosby

Dr. Mike Harding was our guest speaker for Homecoming 2021 as we celebrated 63 years of God’s faithfulness. Our choir and congregation joined together in singing “To God Be the Glory.” Dr. Harding preached from Isaiah 40 on “Our Incomparable God.”

After a short break, Dr. Harding shared his dramatic testimony of being saved from COVID-19.

“I’m preaching my own funeral sermon to you.” Listen to Dr. Harding’s powerful testimony.

In the afternoon, we met at the Pavilion for food, activities, and fellowship. With inflatables, face painting, ice skating, table tennis, and barbeque served by our teens and sponsors, there was something for everyone to enjoy. Best of all we learned how to love each other better.

Our 64th anniversary celebration is tentatively scheduled for October 2, 2022 with evangelist Jeremy Frazor as our guest speaker. We look forward to what the Lord will do in the next year.

Photo credits: Jonathan Harper


Annual Church Picnic

Annual Church Picnic


Pig Pickin’ is a yearly tradition where we enjoy eating fantastic BBQ and fellowshipping with our Morningside family and friends.

Our annual Pig Pickin’ will be on Homecoming Sunday, October 3 from 4 - 7 pm at the newly renovated Pavilion Recreation Complex at 400 Scottswood Drive in Taylors. The cost is a suggested donation of $3 /person or $10 /family. Food will be catered by Mike & Jeff’s BBQ.

Activities begin at 4:00 pm with Kids’ Face Painting and a Photo Bus. Food will be served between 4:30-5:30 pm. Your family may wish to bring lawn chairs for the outdoor events and socks for any wishing to ice skate or play in the bounce area.

Come and fellowship with us!

Enjoy some of our memories for last year’s Pig Pickin’

Homecoming 2021

Homecoming 2021

Homecoming 2021.png

On Sunday, 10/3 Morningside celebrates 63 years of ministry in Greenville. To God be the glory.

Our 10 AM message is from Dr. Mike Harding. Our 11 AM session is a special combined class to hear how God spared Dr. Harding’s from Covid.

Front Homecoming Harding.png

That afternoon, our annual Pig Pickin’ returns to the Pavilion. Join us at 4 PM for BBQ with all the fixins, inflatables, and great fellowship. Your family may wish to bring lawn chairs for any outdoor activities and socks for any wanting to ice skate or play in the bounce area.

Labor Day Watermelon Fellowship

Labor Day Watermelon Fellowship



Sunday school classes and small groups help us focus on loving others in similar stages of life. But our mission calls for loving others in different stages of life, even without speaking the same language. That’s why we hold churchwide fellowships as often as we can—to build relationships across generations and even across language barriers.

We celebrated the Fourth of July with ice cream. Now, as summer winds down (even if it doesn’t always feel like it), we’re celebrating with watermelon.

Sunday September 5 we’re hosting a watermelon fellowship after the PM service. Weather permitting, we’ll meet outdoors to enjoy the sticky sweetness of summer. We’ll supply ice-cold water and plenty of hand sanitizer and napkins. Feel free to bring a lawn chair and sit a while.

We are recruiting volunteers to set up tables, make sure melons are ready, and clean up afterwards. Let us know if you’d like to help!

If the weather turns against us, we’ll meet in the gym instead of outside. We hope to see you there!

ODBM Golf Tournament

ODBM Golf Tournament

UPDATE June 2021

The April event was moved to July 24 due to rain. All other details are still updated, and there is room for 3 additional foursomes. Register below or in our church lobby by July 19.

Open Door Baptist Missions Golf Tournament

Please join us for the annual Open Door Baptist Missions Golf Tournament on April 24, 2021. Last year’s event was in July, but this year we return to our regular spring date.

We will have a great day of golf at the beautiful Links O' Tryon in Campobello, SC. The golf tournament will be Captain's Choice, and registration will begin at 11:30 AM. Your registration will include lunch at 12:00 PM, before golf, and door prize and awards following golf.

Register now and remember to invite your friends to play.

Thank you for your support of Open Door Baptist Missions.                  


The ODBM tournament is a highlight of our calendar each year.

Date: April 24, 2021

Times: 11:30 am


Individual Golfer: $110.00
Late Registration - after April 19, 2021: $120.00

Happy Father's Day

Happy Father's Day

Father’s Day is a day set apart to honor and commemorate our fathers. In 1966 President Lyndon Johnson made a proclamation for the third Sunday of June to be Father’s Day. Finally, it was made an official national holiday in 1972.

Though the Bible does not set aside a day to specifically honor fathers, many fathers are honored in Scripture. In Genesis 4:20-21 Jabal is recognized as “the father of such as dwell in tents and such as have cattle.” His brother Jubal is called “the father of such as handle the harp and organ.” In Genesis 17:5, when Abram’s name was changed to Abraham, God tells him, “Neither shall thy name any more be called Abram, but thy name shall be Abraham; for a father of many nations have I made thee.” Fatherhood clearly has a place of honor in God’s eyes.

Of course, God relates to Jesus Christ and to those who are united to Christ as our Father (Matt. 5:45; 6:9, 32; Rom. 1:7; 15:6; 1 Cor. 8:6). Jesus always honors His Father’s will (Jn. 17:1, 5). Fatherhood is a high and holy calling. I am thankful for my own godly father and for the many godly fathers and future fathers in our church. Those of us who were blessed with godly fathers can never repay our dads for their godly example, their provision, their protection, their tender love. But we who are fathers can seek to pass on their legacy to the next generation.

In expression of our gratitude for fathers, we invite fathers to pick up a Dad’s Root Beer following the morning service or after 11am Sunday school. Happy Father’s Day!

Dad_s Root Beer 1.jpg

Miracle Hill Overcomers Graduation

Miracle Hill Overcomers Graduation

“My name is __________, and I’m an Overcomer.”

Morningside hosts the monthly graduation for Miracle Hill Ministries Overcomers Center on the 3rd Thursday of each month at 6:30 PM. Each graduate has completed a 12-step program adapted to biblical truth and has demonstrated the ability to conquer addiction.

Come to our chapel to hear how the gospel has overcome life-dominating sins. The program members provide rousing music, and counselors testify to the change in the graduates’ lives.

For more information visit miraclehill.org/shelters/overcomers-center-for-men/

Photo Credit - Miracle Hill Ministries Website

Mystery Island

Mystery Island

We welcomed over 150 kids to Mystery Island this week! For kids through grade 5, drama, animal pals, snacks, crafts, and games all reinforced one truth: God’s name deserves our enthusiastic praise (Psalm 145:1). The middle school group focused on learning about God’s great love.

We want to give a big thank you to all our volunteers who made VBS a big success! If you’d like to help us follow up with families from our community, please contact Pastor Huffman at info@morningside.org. Awana begins in the fall, and next year’s VBS is set for June 5-8.

Day 1

We learned that God is GREAT!

Tropical Travelers respond to Day 1’s lesson about God’s greatness.

Tropical Travelers respond to Day 1’s lesson about God’s greatness.

Day 2

We learned that God is ALMIGHTY!

The story of Jonah showed us that God is everywhere, knows everything, and can do anything!

The story of Jonah showed us that God is everywhere, knows everything, and can do anything!

Day 3

We learned that God is RULER!

Fish in the sea? No, just a great VBS snack reminding us that God rules over the ocean too!

Fish in the sea? No, just a great VBS snack reminding us that God rules over the ocean too!

Day 4

We learned that God is EMMANUEL!


Middle School

There’s always more to learn about God’s love!

Leading middle school VBS—and smiling!

Leading middle school VBS—and smiling!

Thanks to Jenn Stuhl for coordinating our photos and to Rosie Alger, John Burnette, Jonathan Harper, and Jonathan Lovegrove for sending them!

Memorial Day Fellowship

Memorial Day Fellowship

Sunday night, May 30, Pastor Ryan Horkavy gave one final update as a church planter before Crossroad Baptist Church takes over his full support this summer.

Afterward we all enjoyed light refreshments and singing in the chapel—the first time our entire church family shared refreshments indoors in over a year.

A men’s ensemble sang “Unclouded Day,” and we sang two great hymns about our country—”My Country, ‘Tis of Thee” and “In God We Trust, in God Alone.”

Thanks to Jen Stuhl and Rich Streeter for capturing these pictures. We look forward to building more relationships in the chapel very soon. Next renovation—our gym!