Church is essential--not just for American society, but for your life. Not everyone is able to attend in person yet, and we respect that. But as soon as you're able, we want you to come—for your sake.

Last week a pastor posted "10 Reasons to Come Back to Church After COVID-19." 

They're also important reasons to attend church during COVID-19:

1. We’re embodied creatures.

"No loving couple gladly accepts a 'long-distance relationship' as ideal. Neither should a loving church family."

2. The church is one body.

"Even at a distance, we’re still Christ’s body. But like any healthy body, we shouldn’t want to stay dislocated."

3. The Spirit is drawing us.

"When believers are separated involuntarily, we feel the tension—like a rubber band stretched too far. The Spirit within us yearns for us to be together, like that same rubber band pulling us back in."

4. We’re a spiritual family.

"We must be faithful during this season to reach out to those who can’t safely join us. But all who are able should seek to gather for our life-giving family reunions."

5. Preaching is a sacred moment.

"A feast enjoyed together is better than food eaten alone."

6. There’s nothing like singing together.

"God will hear the rising praises of the Christian church, and it will be good if we’re there to express them together."

7. We need baptisms and communion.

"The way we practice these things may look different for a season, but our hearts will need them more than we know."

8. You have a job to do.

"When we stay home, we can still listen and give and call and text virtually. But there are many ways we simply can’t serve or encourage or build up Christ’s body unless we’re physically present."

9. Our worship is a witness.

"We should rejoice that God’s now reaching new people with new methods. But the unbelieving world also needs to see the gospel’s transforming power embodied in a local family of Christians who love God and serve each other in the most gracious and gritty ways."

10. Greetings change lives.

"Just recently, our church held an outdoor worship service in our parking lot after not meeting for ten weeks. What were the happiest, most explosive moments? Our greetings. We need to see each other."


"In the life to come, we won’t be siloed and segregated in mansions of glory, but living and working and loving and serving together in a new world where righteousness dwells (2 Pet 3:13). So once we know it’s safe, wise, and no disservice to our communities, let’s gather together again—in person—until all things are new."

Taken from “10 Reasons to Come Back to Church after COVID-19” by David Gunderson, June 13, 2020. Used by permission of Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers, Wheaton, IL 60187,