We are very thankful to announce the addition of Jeriel Ontoy to our music staff. Jeriel and his wife Carmel became full members on Dec. 6.
Jeriel and Carmel were married on June 27, 2020.
Jeriel has been active in our music ministry and Rooted college-age ministry throughout his undergraduate studies. He was deeply involved in church music ministry even during his teen years, and during college his leadership opportunities included coordinating music ministry opportunities for his society at Bob Jones University. During the summer of 2020, he mentored under Mac Lynch and led the choir and congregational singing at Catawba Springs Christian Church (Apex, NC). Now pursuing graduate ministry training, Jeriel serves as Research & Co-Curricular Coordinator for the School of Religion at BJU.
During the fall of 2020, while continuing to coordinate the Rooted music, Jeriel began to take on many more volunteer leadership activities in our music ministry. Among other things, he took a major role in planning and leading our Nov. 22 Praise Service.
“Jeriel’s strengths in planning and communication are always critical for a church music program,” said music pastor Todd Jones. “But while we’re trying to rebuild our program after months of heavy restrictions—and while some of those restrictions continue—they are more important than ever. He’s been a huge blessing already, and I look forward to working with him now that he’s part of our leadership team.”
We look forward to having Jeriel's part-time assistance helping direct the adult choir and in some of the many other tasks in our music ministry as well.