12/2/21: This post is our 2019 testimony
thanking the Lord for Majesty Music
and the ministry their team had here that fall.
For information about Shelly Hamilton’s 2021 book, Always, Only Good, click or tap here.
Sunday was a special one for many reasons. You can read the overall report from the day here. The ministry of the Majesty Music team, however, had several factors especially worth noting.
In the days leading up to our Homecoming, many of us knew that the day would be a very difficult one for the team. Flora Jean Garlock, beloved wife of Majesty's founder, had just died. The team's ministry to us came literally the day after her funeral service. We did not immediately realize, however, what depth that would add to the team's ministry.
Because members of the Garlock and Hamilton families traveled to Greenville for the funeral, we got to hear from Majesty's founder, Frank Garlock himself. Dr. Garlock led us in singing "Hallelujah, What a Savior." Before we sang, he told the story of how Philip P. Bliss, the song's composer, died trying to save his wife from a burning train he had already escaped. Dr. Garlock was under obvious pressure as he told the story, but he led the singing with gusto nevertheless… or was it "therefore"?
Frank Garlock leading congregational singing, October 6, 2019. Photo: Rich Streeter.
A few minutes before Dr. Garlock’s ministry was another deeply moving moment. Majesty had agreed to extend their rehearsal schedule so that one of their numbers could incorporate our choir and orchestra. We settled on the song "You Are Always Good," and Ben Farrell and our own Megan Morgan provided vocals. We did not know when we chose the song that it would come right after a funeral. Majesty chose that song to close the service, and we sang the chorus as a congregation.
"You Are Always Good" appeared in 2013, soon after the tragic death of Jonathan Hamilton. Jonathan had struggled with mental illness for much of his life and died at age 34. Jonathan was also a gifted composer, and after his death his parents found this music in his belongings. They sent the tune to hymn writer Chris Anderson, who then wrote "You Are Always Good" as Jonathan's testimony. Since then it has brought hope to many during dark times, including many in our church family. Having our own musicians present it along with Jonathan’s own family members—the day after they held another family member’s funeral—was indeed a rich blessing.
We look forward to singing “You Are Always Good” again this week. Take a few minutes to watch and listen if you can.