Volume 10: From Many People to One People

Jesus’ name spread and His church grew. The Holy Spirit transformed and empowered the early church and still transforms and empowers us today. The gospel completely changes our lives and leads us to share the good news with others.

Unit 28: Jesus Is Alive

Jesus’ resurrection was no secret. For 40 days, Jesus appeared to His disciples and hundreds of others so that they would know He is alive forevermore. Jesus wants everyone to know Him, trust Him, and live for Him.

How do we know that God wants us to know Him? We can know that God wants us to know Him because He has revealed Himself through His Word.

4/21 - SESSION 1: Jesus Appeared to the Disciples (Luke 24)

4/28 - SESSION 2: Jesus Appeared to Thomas (John 20)

5/5 - SESSION 3: Jesus Forgave Peter (John 21)

5/12 - SESSION 4 (Big Truth Session): God Wants Us to Know Him (Matthew 28)

Unit 29: The Church Begins

Before Jesus returned to be with the Father, He gave His followers the mission to continue what He had begun. But this is a mission they would not be able to complete in their own power. Jesus would send the Holy Spirit to change them and empower them to be His witnesses to the world.

How does the Holy Spirit help Christians? The Holy Spirit comforts us, shows us our sin, and guides us as we live for God’s glory.

5/19 - SESSION 1: Jesus Gave His Followers a Mission (Acts 1)

5/26 - SESSION 2: The Disciples Replaced Judas (Acts 1)

6/2 - SESSION 3: The Holy Spirit Came (Acts 2)

6/9 - SESSION 4 (Big Truth Session): The Holy Spirit Changes Us (Galatians 5)

Unit 30: Peter’s Ministry

As the church began, Peter played a key role, following the example Jesus had set. Like Jesus, Peter preached the gospel, healed people, and confronted sin—all so that others might come to know Christ, too.

Why does God command Christians to tell others about Jesus? We tell others about Jesus so they will hear and believe the good news.

6/16 - Peter’s Ministry & Big Truth: We Are to Tell Others about Jesus (Acts 3-5, Romans 10)