When we study the miraculous works of Jesus—Jesus’ calming a storm, healing sickness, multiplying food, walking on water, turning water into wine, helping blind people see, or any of the other miracles that Jesus performed—it's possible to miss the larger story being told and the purpose of these encounters. Like standing too close to a painting, our view of the larger picture becomes obscure, and we can lose sight of its grandeur. While details are important, Jesus' miracles reveal a glorious truth about who He is—God in flesh.
John 14 provides us with one of many reasons to keep a broader focus as we study Jesus’ miracles. In preparation for His death, resurrection, and ascension, Jesus offered words of comfort and encouragement to His disciples. Soon He would no longer be visible to them with their eyes or available to reach out and touch. Yet, Jesus calls them to see with eyes of faith as He urges them to "Believe in God; believe also in [him]." (John 14:1).
As the disciples grappled with where Jesus' is going, Jesus underscored His oneness with the Father and that He alone is the way to the Father. He patiently reminds the disciples of the authority of His words and the miraculous works He performed–all of which prove He is God. It was a grace for the disciples to behold the works of Jesus and be able to look back and remember what their eyes had seen and their ears had heard when Jesus walked among them.
When they faced times of turmoil, they could recall Jesus calming the storm and believe. When they were hungry, they could remember Jesus' feeding the crowd and believe. Not only were the words and works of Jesus evidence of His divinity during His time on earth, they were also a means to persevere in their faith after He went to heaven.
As you focus on the works of Jesus, consider their true purpose. Jesus’ miracles give us a picture of who He is and the hope of life with Him in His kingdom. As we read of Jesus' miracles and grow in knowledge of Him, we can ask God to deepen our faith and love for Him. And when we seek to view the big picture of the Bible, we come to better understand the miraculous works of a God who gave His only Son to save sinners.
CHRIST CONNECTION: God has always existed as three Persons—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. The Father sent the Son to rescue us from sin. He gives us the Holy Spirit to comfort us, show us our sins, and guide us as we live for God’s glory.