The judgment of God can be found all through the Bible among people who turned from God to their own ways and sought to make a name for themselves or, at the very least, to satisfy themselves at the cost of their disobedience.
In Isaiah 22, we find a warning from God regarding the selfish ambitions and pursuits of God’s people. Though many strong, knee-shaking statements are made by God in this rebuke, one statement captures the heart of the rebellion of God’s people: “You made a reservoir between the walls for the water of the ancient pool, but you did not look to the one who made it or consider the one who created it long ago” (v. 11).
God’s people had set their hope in themselves and forgotten the Maker and Sustainer of all the good that had come to them. God was reminding them that every ounce of provision, every victory won, and every bit of directional clarity had come from Him. God was rebuking them for neglecting to remember that He was the one behind it all.
We are easily blinded by pride. After all, when we experience great accomplishments, unlikely victories, and significant provisions, it is difficult to not assume our own great work. But, as God reminds in Isaiah 22:23-25, He is the one who raises up and tears down leaders. And in Isaiah 48:11, He will not share His glory with another. Finally, as Isaiah 48:17-18 reminds us, He teaches us the way we should go, if only we would listen.
God is the author of all that is good in our lives, God is the giver of all that is good in our lives, and God is the sustainer of all that we need. When we believe the lie that it is any other way, we deceive ourselves. But when we embrace the reality of God’s goodness and provision, we will find great rest and hope. We will walk more humbly and confidently through the mountains and the valleys of life, knowing from whom every good and every perfect gift comes.