Elisha’s incredible loyalty to the prophet Elijah is recorded in 2 Kings 2. He followed Elijah wherever he went. He committed to Elijah even when others told him that Elijah would soon die. And he stayed by his side to the very end. 

Elisha saw something in Elijah that he himself wanted: his spirit. In fact, Elisha told Elijah that what he wanted from him most was “two shares of your spirit.” Why on earth would Elisha desire this? Was it because he wanted God’s Spirit to be accessible to him? Was it because he wanted the authority that Elijah carried? Was it because he knew the remainder of his life would be hard and he thought he could use some extra strength? We may not be certain of this; however, it is obvious that Elisha saw something in Elijah that he wanted.

Have you ever observed the gifts of the people around you and desired them for yourself? Maybe you’ve been amazed by someone’s ability to articulate the gospel with great clarity in a compelling way with thousands listening on and desired that gift. Perhaps you saw someone serving with great joy as they opened their home and pulled out every stop to make their guests feel loved and welcomed. Do you long for their gift of hospitality?

Though at times there is a selfish desire that drives our interest in someone else’s gifts, we see in 2 Kings 2 that Elijah lived a life worthy of emulation. This thought brings to mind Paul’s words in 1 Corinthians 11, ‘Imitate me, as I also imitate Christ.’

Are you living the type of life that others see and long to follow? Is your use of the gifts God has given you one that draws attention and causes questions or where this gifting comes from? Does your faithfulness to the Lord stir an interest on the part of others around you?

When we run faithfully after the Lord, there is no doubt going to be others who see and desire to know more. And as the opportunity arises, take hold of those opportunities to bring others along to see what it looks like to remain faithful to the Lord and ultimately to show them that He is both your motivation and the source of all that is good in you.