There are many activities happening on Easter Sunday! Please see our full Morningside Kids Easter Schedule below:
8:45 - Family Photos in the Coffee Nook (Portraits are available before and after our 10am service until 12:15pm)
9:30 - 1st-5th grade Children’s Choir practice (Check-in & meet in the Kids Wing)
10:00 - 1st-5th grade Children’s Choir sings in the Auditorium
Drop-off & Pick-up locations below:
Infants (to 12 mos): 104
Walkers & Runners (to 24 mos): 102
3 year olds: 101
K4-Grade 5: Kids Wing
10:10 - Easter Lesson and Crafts in the Kids Wing (K4-5th)
11:00 - Parents pick up your child/children right after the service for our Easter Egg Hunt (Nursery childcare through 5th grade classes will end at 11:00)
11:30 - Easter Egg Hunt begins across the street on school field (All weather reports look good for Sunday; however if there is inclement weather, the egg hunt will be located in the Kids Wing.)
*Note: this is a parent-supervised event.
For your families safety, exit the building at the East Wing center glass doors and follow signage & balloons (Thank you to our Gatewatchers for being an extra set of eyes when crossing!)
At the field entrance, Morningside bags will be given out for the egg hunt. (You can bring a basket if you like:-)
At the signal, kids will run around the fenced-in field gathering eggs in their bags
Following the egg hunt, we encourage families to cross together again at the marked area
The following Sunday, return your empty Easter eggs using your Morningside bag and we will enter your child’s name in a drawing for a special prize. (Make sure your name is on the bag! Drop off bins will be located outside the Kids Wing)