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There are many activities happening on Easter Sunday! Please see our full Morningside Kids Easter Schedule below:

8:45 - Family Photos in the Coffee Nook (Portraits are available before and after our 10am service until 12:15pm)

9:30 - 1st-5th grade Children’s Choir practice (Check-in & meet in the Kids Wing)

10:00 - 1st-5th grade Children’s Choir sings in the Auditorium

Drop-off & Pick-up locations below:

  • Infants (to 12 mos): 104

  • Walkers & Runners (to 24 mos): 102

  • 3 year olds: 101

  • K4-Grade 5: Kids Wing

10:10 - Easter Lesson and Crafts in the Kids Wing (K4-5th)

11:00 - Parents pick up your child/children right after the service for our Easter Egg Hunt (Nursery childcare through 5th grade classes will end at 11:00)

11:30 - Easter Egg Hunt begins across the street on school field (All weather reports look good for Sunday; however if there is inclement weather, the egg hunt will be located in the Kids Wing.)

*Note: this is a parent-supervised event.

  • For your families safety, exit the building at the East Wing center glass doors and follow signage & balloons (Thank you to our Gatewatchers for being an extra set of eyes when crossing!)

  • At the field entrance, Morningside bags will be given out for the egg hunt. (You can bring a basket if you like:-)

  • At the signal, kids will run around the fenced-in field gathering eggs in their bags

  • Following the egg hunt, we encourage families to cross together again at the marked area

  • The following Sunday, return your empty Easter eggs using your Morningside bag and we will enter your child’s name in a drawing for a special prize. (Make sure your name is on the bag! Drop off bins will be located outside the Kids Wing)
