K5 Graduation
We realize all age groups are missing out on some special year-end events for school and church. Since the Governor officially announced on Tuesday that South Carolina will finish the school year online, we want to make a special effort to recognize our kindergarteners on May 17 at the beginnning of the 10:30 worship service. We will be displaying a photo of each child on the screen while parents walk their child to the front of the Auditorium. Each child will receive a balloon, treat and diploma. We will congratulate each Kindergartener with clapping from the congregation. After a few words from Pastor Crockett, parents and children will exit the auditorium. Volunteers in our children’s ministry will hold the balloon, treat and diploma for your child and return it to him or her at pick up following the 10:30 worship service.
How can you help your K5 child be celebrated?
1. Email a picture of your child to Lara Cropsey at lcropsey@morningside.org by this Thursday, May 14. (either in cap or gown or a nice photo is fine)
2. Meet in the nursery hallway at 10:25 with your child to receive a balloon, treat & diploma.
3. Walk with your child in and out of the Auditorium.
Congratulations to all the K5 Morningside Kids for completing their first year of official school!