Jesus Will Return One Day

Jesus Will Return One Day

Jesus Will Return One Day (Revelation 19-20)

In Revelation 19–20, the apostle John recounts a vision he received from the Lord. The vision showcased the reality of the risen Savior who always keeps His promises. Jesus will return for His people with all righteousness, power, and might—just as the Scriptures said He would. Demonstrating His glory, strength, authority, and sovereignty, Jesus will faithfully redeem and restore the brokenness of the world and bring His followers into this realm of everlasting joy and peace with Him forever.

How is the depiction of Jesus in Revelation 19–20 different from our previous session’s lamb that was slain? What does Christ’s fulfillment mean for the ways we are to live as His followers on the earth today?

The Jesus we see in today’s passage is the conquering King over all—no longer the meek, gentle lamb who was led to the slaughter. Instead, He is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, the warrior whose enemies have been now and forever rendered powerless. He reigns and rules over Satan and the forces of evil and darkness, defeating the powers of sin and death once and for all. The imagery now describing the risen Lord is fierce, mighty, and righteous. He has returned for His people, keeping every promise He has spoken to the ones whose faith has been placed in Him.

We, as followers of Jesus, are to look ahead to the coming days of Christ’s return with expectation, joy, and celebration. Consider how you can reflect the anticipation, excitement, and comfort of this reality to the boys and girls you teach. They may feel uncertain about the Bible and if they can truly grasp what it is all about. In today’s session, you have an opportunity to relay the big idea of the Scriptures: the hope of the promised Savior and King who has invited them into this great story of redemption. All of creation will join together to sing of His infinite glory and splendor, and believers today have the opportunity to share His goodness with others. You get to proclaim His promises to the kids you will teach today!

Christ Connection: Jesus promised to come back to earth soon. When Jesus returns, He will defeat evil once and for all. Those who trust in Jesus will be with Him and enjoy Him forever. 

Preschool (K3-K4)

Preschool (K3-K4)


In our Sunday morning preschool ministry our curriculum starts with basics. We strive to build a biblical foundation of helping the children begin to understand there is one true God who came to earth in the person of Jesus Christ to show us His love for us. We want the children to have a basic knowledge that will one day lead to a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. We also strive to teach a proper response to God in our personal relationship to Him and in our relationship to others.

Sept 1 - Creation Days 1-4 ; Memory Verse: Genesis 1:1

Sept 8 - Creation Days 5-6 - God Created Animals; Memory Verse: Genesis 1:1

Sept 15 - God Made People; Memory Verse: Genesis 1:1

Sept 22 - Adam and Eve Sin; Memory Verse: Romans 3:23

Sept 29 - Noah: God Keeps His Promises; Memory Verse: Romans 3:23

Oct 6 - Balaam and the Talking Donkey: I must obey God; Memory Verse: Romans 3:23

Oct 13 - David the Shepherd Boy ; Memory Verse: Psalm 23:1

Oct 20 - Elijah Fed by Birds; Memory Verse: Psalm 23:1

Oct 27 - Jonah and the Big Fish; Memory Verse: Psalm 23:1

Nov 3 - Daniel in the Lion's Den; Memory Verse: Psalm 139:14

Nov 10 - Net Full of Fish; Memory Verse: Psalm 139:14

Nov 17 - Feeding of the 5,000; Memory Verse: Psalm 139:14

Nov 24 - Jesus Loves Children; Memory Verse: Psalm 139:14

We Are Here to Make Much of Jesus

We Are Here to Make Much of Jesus

We Are Here to Make Much of Jesus (I Thess 4-5) 

First Thessalonians 4–5 serves as an encouraging, insightful, and convicting portion of the letters penned by Paul. As evidenced by the compassionate, heartfelt words he shared, the apostle loved his brothers and sisters who belonged to the church in Thessalonica. Because of the deep affection he held toward them, he exhorted them to lean into the special, set-apart lives Christ had called them to as His followers.

What does Paul say is the will of God for his brothers and sisters in Christ—both in the year A.D. 50 as well as in the modern-day church? How are we to accomplish this will according to today’s passage? 

We often wonder what God’s will for our lives may be. Yet we see throughout the pages of Scripture: His will is our sanctification—in sexual morality, self-control, holiness, and honor … on account of the knowledge of our God (1 Thess. 4:3-5). Paul writes in the next chapter that His will for us is that we would likewise continually rejoice, pray, and give thanks for all He has done (1 Thess. 5:16-18). He calls for a “whole-person” holiness in all parts of our lives: spirit, soul, and body, which only comes through placing our trust in Jesus—which means trusting in what He says is best for our lives. 

 For the church of Thessalonica to pursue God’s will for their lives would be entirely impossible if not for the power of the Holy Spirit in their lives. They had to trust in the Lord to help them obey, believing in Christ’s perfect life and sacrifice as the basis of their faith. 

 As you take steps toward teaching this session, consider the ways you’ve been faithfully following Jesus. Be encouraged by all that He has done in your life to help you look more like Jesus through the power of His Spirit. Help kids see that they, too, can trust God’s character and goodness, which means that we can believe that His will for our lives—this call to sanctification—is good.

Christ Connection: Christians have a special purpose to spread the good news of Jesus and to live in a way that honors Him. We live holy lives, loving one another and finding joy in Jesus as we remember God’s promise to one day return and make all things right. 

We Are Here to Glorify God

We Are Here to Glorify God

We Are Here to Glorify God (Romans 15)

Romans 15 highlights Paul’s heart for sharing the gospel and seeing it permeate the hearts of all who may hear of it and grow from it. The apostle shared the light of Jesus with Christ followers in Rome, that they would lean into their purpose of glorifying God and growing in their knowledge and love for Him. 

What issues were the believers in Rome fighting against? How did Paul seek to encourage them despite all these difficulties present within the church? 

From this chapter, we notice that though the truth of the gospel has gone out among believers in Rome, difficulties still exist among Jesus’ people. It appears the stronger believers within the church had trouble dealing with and bearing the weaknesses of their brothers and sisters in Christ. Paul reminded the church that they were to walk alongside one another, building up and building out the kingdom of God. They needed to experience the endurance and encouragement that Jesus offers to His people, which are gifts that we, too, still need as the church today. 

Division was still present between the Jews and Gentiles in the Roman church, as believers from opposite backgrounds found their common ground in Jesus alone. Paul used his words carefully so that the gospel’s power would be made apparent in his interactions with them and through their interactions with another as the body of Christ. The gospel was always meant to transcend culture and upbringing, uniting us by the power of the God who created us. 

As you prepare to teach this to your kids, remember that Paul’s concern was for the readers of his letter to recognize their need for God and to live lives that bring honor to His name. May your interactions with the boys and girls in your group be so steeped in the grace and encouragement of Jesus as you lead them in the love and light of their Savior.

Christ Connection: God created people to bring Him glory. When we trust in Jesus and follow Him, we bring glory to God by seeking the good of others. God calls us to share the love of Jesus with all people by telling them the good news—the gospel. 

Paul Became a Missionary (Acts 13–14)

Paul Became a Missionary (Acts 13–14)

Paul Became a Missionary (Acts 13-14)

The beginnings of Paul’s journey as a missionary in Acts 13–14 showcased the power and providence of God, even amid harsh persecution. From being sent out and set apart by the Holy Spirit to being wrongly celebrated as gods and experiencing mistreatment and stonings, Paul remained fixed on the hope he found in Jesus. No matter the circumstances he faced, he kept proclaiming Jesus’ name and paving the way for the gospel to be known around the world. 

What patterns do we see in Paul’s life that propelled the gospel farther? What role do hardships play in our spiritual lives as we, too, seek to live on mission for Christ and His good news of salvation? 

As we read of Paul's journeys, we find that he continually sought to abide in Christ through the spiritual disciplines of fasting, prayer, and sharing the gospel. We also see that he did not back down from difficult situations; not even false prophets and sorcerers could derail him from proclaiming God’s truth! Despite the grueling hassles of life on the road and not having a place to call home, Paul chose obedience to God's calling above any earthly comfort as he trusted the glories of heaven far outweighed any momentary affliction. 

While many insulted Paul, opposed him, and rejected the words of life he spoke, he shook the dust off his feet and pressed on, filled with joy and the Holy Spirit. This same Spirit that filled Paul and sustained him on his missionary journeys also lives in us who trust in Christ. Paul's dependence on the Spirit and his obedience to the gospel mission provide a model for us to follow as we seek to live on mission. 

Encourage your kids to recognize Paul's perseverance and how the love of Jesus compelled him to share the gospel no matter the difficulties he faced. Ask the Lord to assist you as you live out this conviction through teaching it to the next generation of Christ followers.

Christ Connection: God had a plan for Paul to share the gospel with Gentiles, no matter what troubles he faced. Many believed in Jesus. The church grew and the gospel spread so that people all over the world could be saved from their sins by trusting in Jesus.

Volume 1: Creation and Covenant

Volume 1: Creation and Covenant

Volume 1 - Creation and Covenant

The Bible begins with creation. God created everything for His glory. When sin entered the world through Adam and Eve, God made a promise and set into motion His plan to redeem His people through His Son, Jesus Christ—a descendant of Abraham.

Unit 1: God Rules Over Creation

God created the universe out of nothing. The eternal God rules of His creation. Everything was created to give glory to God the Father through His Son, Jesus, but people chose to reject God’s good plan. The whole Bible reveals how Jesus came to restore the relationship between God and humanity.

Big Picture Question: Who is God? God is our Creator and the King of everything.

Key Passage: Psalm 104:24

September 1 - Session 1: God Created the World (Genesis 1-2)

Story Point: God created everything for His glory.

September 8 - Session 2: Sin Entered the World (Genesis 2-3)

Story Point: Sin is disobeying God and His commands.

September 16 - Session 3: The First Family (Genesis 4)

Story Point: Sin separates us from God.

September 22 - Session 4: The Great Flood (Genesis 6-9)

Story Point: God is right to judge sin.

September 29 - Session 5: The Tower of Babel (Genesis 11)

Story Point: God is great and deserves all worship.

Unit 2: God Made a Promise

God’s faithfulness is demonstrated in His fulfillment of the promises He made to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. The promises of God are not dependent upon the understanding or faithfulness of man. He is always faithful to keep His promises. God’s covenant with Abraham, that all people would be blessed through his family, is a promise that points to Jesus as the hope of the world.

Big Picture Question: Does God keep His promises? Yes, God always keeps His promises because He is faithful.

Key Passage: Psalm 100:5

October 6 - Session 1: Abraham Followed God (Genesis 11-13)

Story Point: Abram obeyed God’s call.

October 13 - Session 2: God’s Covenant with Abraham (Genesis 12; 15; 17)

Story Point: Abraham believed God’s promise.

October 20 - Session 3: Abraham and Isaac (Genesis 22)

Story Point: Abraham trusted God even when he did not understand God’s plan.

October 27 - Session 4: A Wife for Isaac (Genesis 24-25)

Story Point: God gave Isaac a wife to keep His promises to bless the nations.

Unit 3: God is in Control

God is in control of all things in heaven, and on earth. Nothing is outside of His good plan. We see this in the lives of Jacob, Joseph, and Job. God is a faithful promise keeper who is always present with His people despite their difficulties and suffering.

Big Picture Question: Who is in control of everything? God is in control of everything in heaven and on earth. Nothing is outside of God’s good plan.

Key Passage: Genesis 50:20

November 3 - Session 1: Jacob and Esau (Genesis 25; 27)

Story Point: Rebekah and Jacob tricked Isaac into blessing Jacob.

November 10 - Session 2: Jacob Fled from Canaan (Genesis 28; 32)

Story Point: God promised to be with Jacob.

November 17 - Session 3: Joseph Taken to Egypt (Genesis 37; 39-46; 50)

Story Point: God was always with Joseph and blessed him.

November 24 - Session 4: The Suffering of Job (Job)

Story Point: God is good even in suffering.

Paul Became a Christian (Acts 9)

Paul Became a Christian (Acts 9)

The Acts 9 story of how Saul of Tarsus came to be a follower of Jesus is a widely known passage that reveals an essential truth for us as believers: God has the power to transform the hearts and lives of anyone who places their faith in Him. The power of the Holy Spirit changes us from the inside out, and the same Lord who transformed Saul causes us to walk in new life when we turn to Christ. 

What do we learn about the role of God’s saving grace in this story? How can our testimonies reflect the same Spirit-empowered life change as Saul’s? 

God sought out Saul for the work of His kingdom, despite the hostility and malice this former Pharisee had toward the Christian church. Nothing in Saul’s story—not even the wrongful executions and imprisonment of Christ’s disciples—was too big for God to forgive by grace through faith in His Son, Jesus. Through his experience on the road to Damascus, Saul realized the weight of his own sin, the power of this mighty God, and the only chance he had in being made right before Him: surrendering his life to Jesus. Nothing Saul did could separate him from God’s love for him in Jesus. The same is true for us! 

Later, in a letter to his protégé Timothy, Saul—also known by his Greek name, Paul—wrote, “‘Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners'—and I am the worst of them” (1 Tim. 1:15). He knew he needed God’s grace to be made right before the Father and that trusting in Jesus was his only means of being saved. 

Teach the kids in your family that all of us, no matter how young or old we are, needed Jesus to come into the world to save us. The gospel transforms our hearts and propels us to share the life we’ve found in Jesus with all who will listen. How can you equip your family with the excitement and knowledge of Jesus Christ that will lead them to share of His love, just as Paul did?

Christ Connection: Jesus appeared to Saul and changed him inside and out. Jesus Christ came into the world to save sinners. (1 Timothy 1:15) Jesus called Saul, who was once an enemy to Christians, to spend the rest of his life telling people the gospel and leading them to trust in Jesus.

What is Awana?

What is Awana?

what is awana?

Awana is designed to help your child understand the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Our caring, trained volunteers develop engaging relationships and teach Bible truths so that Christian discipleship can happen.

Your kids will memorize truth from God’s Word—and receive guidance in understanding it.

Games and special dress-up nights create a fun environment and help kids earn team points, and missions focus happens twice a year too! Check out our Awana calendars at Morningside Kids for more details about special themes, memory verses and events.


Cubbies (K3-K4) The purpose of Cubbies is to teach respect for God, His Son, and His Word. The Cubbies curriculum is:

  • God-focused

  • Christ- centered

  • Built on the Bible

  • Prioritizes the home

  • Promotes loving, respectful relationships

Weekly activities include Bible memory, snacks, crafts, puppets and age-appropriate hands-on Bible learning. Cubbies resources will encourage and equip you to actively nurture your child. Our volunteers will work alongside you to guide children into truth.

Sparks (K5-Grade 2) learn and memorize God’s Word with an emphasis on developing caring relationships with their leaders. Bible biographies show children how others in Bible times interacted personally with God. Sparks learn that they can also know God personally through the gift of His Son, Jesus. Sparks also experience fun through songs, games and periodic crafts.

Truth & Training (Grades 3-5) kids begin with games, and our volunteers always have a Bible application for each one. Clubbers then transition to a Bible lesson, songs, and Bible memory in small group discussions led by caring adults who want to help them grow in their walk with the Lord. Check out our Awana calendar for more details.

Peter Was Rescued from Prison (Acts 12)

Peter Was Rescued from Prison (Acts 12)

Peter Was Rescued from Prison (Acts 12)

Acts 12 tells the story of God’s divine and miraculous rescue of His apostle Peter. While King Herod sought to make an example of Peter, it was God alone who was able to showcase His power and might amidst the persecution of the church. This passage highlights the power of prayer amidst hardship and how God's purposes for His church will prevail despite the futile attempts of the enemy. 

What can we learn about God’s plans despite persecution and suffering? What can we learn about living on mission even during our most difficult circumstances? 

God’s plans for the good of His church, even during persecution, include the fervent prayers of the saints. The intercession of these faithful believers revealed that their only hope was in the Lord, and it was their prayers that were used by God to rescue Peter from prison. As God answered their prayers, He showcased His power to thwart the evil plans of those who wish to harm His church. Peter's incredible escape from prison reflects the same hope that we who have trusted in Jesus receive as the chains of sin fall off, and we are set free from condemnation. God's purpose for His church was by no means coming to an end in that prison cell; rather the word of God spread and multiplied. (Acts 12:24) 

The consequence of declaring the gospel of Jesus Christ was costly for Peter and for James, who was executed by Herod. Though Herod’s sentence for James was death, to die would mean this disciple’s gain. Peter knew the consequences of sharing the gospel, yet he also believed that Jesus was worth giving his life to, trusting that the salvation of others was worth the risk as well. Even still, God granted Peter salvation from this prison cell so that he could continue living on mission for Him. 

May we be aware that God has done more than send an angel to rescue us from earthly hardship. He sent His very Son to rescue us from the eternal consequence of our sins. Christ’s sacrifice on our behalf offers the hope we need to endure difficulties and the boldness we need to share His divine hope with others.

Christ Connection: God answered the people’s prayers for Peter. God had a plan for Peter and the church, and He rescued Peter from his enemies. Peter knew he would face death because he believed in Jesus, but he kept going so he could share the good news of the gospel.

Peter Performed Miracles (Acts 9)

Peter Performed Miracles (Acts 9)

Peter Performed Miracles (Acts 9)

Peter’s miracles in Acts 9 showcase the power of the Holy Spirit at work within the early church. Though the people who witnessed and heard of these healings and resurrections were amazed and intrigued, Peter did not perform them to wow the crowd or to even illustrate his own strength. Rather, he met people’s needs as a means of demonstrating God’s power at work, that more may come to saving faith in Jesus and truly believe Him to be Messiah and Lord. 

What was the significance of the restoration of Aeneas and the revival of Dorcas? What did these events reveal about Christ’s saving power through the faith of Peter? 

Both instances of Peter’s miraculous acts were evidence of Christ’s power to heal despite the impossible circumstances. While Christ's power through Peter brought physical healing to the man in Lydda, it also brought spiritual healing to the people in Lydda and Sharon as they turned to the Lord. Similarly, Dorcas' resurrection was used by God to draw many people to faith in Christ––the One who holds power over the grave. 

These miracles performed by Peter point to the reality of Jesus’ power and to the proof that He is still alive within His followers. The usual patterns of sickness and death were not the final endings for Aeneas and Dorcas; rather, they were the work of the Lord’s restoration and redemption—pointing to the reality that everlasting life is ours through the power of Jesus. And through these events, we are encouraged to remember the hope we have in Christ, who is making all things new. 

As you talk with your kids this week, remember that you, too, get to share the good news of hope and healing to the next generation of young disciples. Just as Peter “called the saints and widows and presented [Dorcas] alive,” so, too, are you proclaiming the gift of everlasting life you have in Jesus.

Christ Connection: When the Holy Spirit gave Peter power to perform miracles, people saw what happened and believed in Jesus. These miracles remind us of Jesus’ miracles, which proved He is the Son of God who came to bring salvation to the world.

Stephen Was Arrested (Acts 6&7)

Stephen Was Arrested (Acts 6&7)

Stephen Was arrested (Acts 6&7) and Jesus Suffered for us (Phil. 2)

Acts 6 and 7 detail the story of Stephen, the first follower of Jesus martyred for his unwavering boldness in proclaiming Jesus as Lord. Despite the rejection Stephen faced, he remained firm in his gospel witness to those in the Sanhedrin. Recounting the stories of the Old Testament, Stephen declared God’s faithfulness to bring the Messiah into the world, even through the rebellious nation of Israel. 

How was Stephen able to boldly declare the gospel and endure persecution? What parallels can we make between Jesus and Stephen that encourage us in our faith? 

When asked for confirmation of the accusations against himself, Stephen's response was to walk the high priest through the Old Testament’s accounts of God’s promises. Stephen made known the rebellion of the Jewish people—how they rejected God's Word and resisted the Holy Spirit. He spoke of what God declared back then and how God’s promises came to completion in the death and resurrection of His only Son, Jesus. Stephen believed the promises of God and had faith in the Righteous One who died for the sins of the world. Stephen was able to face such terrifying persecution and death because he was filled with the Holy Spirit. 

As Stephen stood among the Jewish leaders, Scripture tells us that “his face was like the face of an angel.” While the leaders’ countenance only displayed anger and outrage, Stephen mirrored the ways of Jesus on his face, in his boldness, and through the forgiveness he prayed over the Sanhedrin members’ sins. As Jesus' followers, we also will face opposition from others. Yet, while we await the return of Christ, we can reflect His love and truth to those around us. 

Consider what it looks like for followers of Jesus to be so filled with the Holy Spirit that they remain on mission for the gospel no matter the cost. How could God use our faithful witness of the gospel to save even those most hostile to the good news? Explain to your kids that when we find our comfort and hope in Jesus, we can withstand rejection we may face, as we exchange the momentary approval of man for the eternal favor and blessings of God.

Christ Connection: Jesus told His followers that they would be persecuted—hated, hurt, or even killed—for loving Him. Jesus also said that those who suffer for Him would be blessed. We can face suffering in this life because Jesus suffered first. He died and then rose again, and He is waiting for us in heaven.

The Apostles Were Arrested (Acts 5)

The Apostles Were Arrested (Acts 5)

The Apostles Were Arrested (Acts 5) & Jesus Suffered For Us (Phil 2)

In Acts 5, we find the apostles performing many signs and wonders through the power and grace they received from the Holy Spirit. The healing power of the Holy Spirit displayed through Peter, in particular, was so compelling that people laid the sick in the path of his shadow. United in purpose, the apostles also continued their mission to share the gospel with those around them, and as a result, they filled Jerusalem with their teaching! However, with the favor of their community came the opposition of the Jewish leaders who grew jealous of the apostles’ ministry. 

How did the early church navigate the ups and downs of their ministering experiences? What choices did they make when faced with rejection and suffering? 

Instead of cowering to the demands of the religious leaders to stop sharing the gospel, the apostles rejoiced in being counted worthy of mistreatment in Jesus’ name. They continued to be faithful to Jesus' command to share the gospel and, leaving directly from the presence of the Sanhedrin, they made a daily practice of preaching and teaching the good news of Jesus Christ in the temple and from house to house. 

Even when the apostles experienced persecution and shameful mistreatment, the power of God at work was evidenced in their boldness to continue to preach the name of Jesus. Amidst many uncertainties and challenging circumstances, they remained steadfastly assured of the power of the gospel to save anyone who believes. On this truth they placed their hope as they rejoiced in their suffering. 

As you prepare to discuss this session with your kids, consider all that the apostles endured as they sought to share God’s Word so that people might hear and believe in the name of Jesus. If you find yourself in a difficult circumstance, thank God for their example of endurance despite times of trouble. Help your kids understand that when we face rejection and suffering, Christ remains near to us, just as He did to His church so long ago. We, too, can count it all joy as we face trials and trust that Jesus is worth giving our lives to.

Christ Connection: Jesus calls His followers to be faithful and tell others about Him, even in times of trouble. Just as Jesus experienced rejection and suffering, so will His followers. We can have joy in suffering, knowing God uses our suffering, like Christ’s, for His glory.

2024 Summer Lessons - Volumes 11 & 12 Gospel Project for Kids

2024 Summer Lessons - Volumes 11 & 12 Gospel Project for Kids

Volume 11: From One Nation to All Nations

Unit 31: The Church Is Opposed

Why did Jesus become human? Jesus became human to obey His Father’s plan and rescue sinners.

6/23 - The Apostles Were Arrested (Acts 5) & Jesus Suffered for Us (Phil 2)

6/30 - Stephen Was Arrested (Acts 6–7) & Jesus Suffered for Us (Phil 2)

Unit 32: The Church Grows

What is the church? The church is all Christians everywhere, who gather together in their communities to worship and serve God.

7/7 - Peter Performed Miracles (Acts 9)

7/14 - Peter Was Rescued from Prison (Acts 12)

7/21 - Special Speaker

Unit 33: The Church Goes

Who can be saved? Anyone who trusts in Jesus can be forgiven of their sins and be right with God.

7/28 - Paul Became a Christian (Acts 9) & Jesus Can Forgive Anyone (2 Cor 5)

8/4 - Paul Became a Missionary (Acts 13–14) & Jesus Can Forgive Anyone (2 Cor 5)


Unit 34: The Church on Mission

What is our mission as Christians? Our mission is to make disciples of all nations by the power of the Holy Spirit.

8/11 -  We Are Here to Glorify God (Romans 15) & The Churches summarized (Acts & The Epistles)

Unit 35: Paul’s Mission to Rome

Why should we praise Jesus? We should praise Jesus for what He has done to provide our salvation and because He will one day make all things right.

8/18 - We Are Here to Make Much of Jesus (I Thess 4-5) & Paul in Rome (Acts 21-28)

Unit 36: The Church’s Hope

What is the hope of the church? The church looks forward to Jesus’ return when He will make all things new.

8/25 - Jesus Will Return One Day

Volume 10: The Holy Spirit Changes Us

Volume 10: The Holy Spirit Changes Us

The Holy Spirit Changes Us (Galatians 5)

Today’s passage from Galatians illustrates the Holy Spirit’s power in Christ followers’ lives. Written by the apostle Paul to the non-Jewish congregation in Galatia, this letter outlines the importance of pursuing righteousness by faith as opposed to the works of the flesh. 

How are believers today at risk of pursuing legalism or lawlessness rather than the love of God just as the church in Galatia did? Why is it essential to live in step with the Holy Spirit’s guidance instead of false doctrines or the whims of our flesh? 

Though thousands of years have passed since Paul first penned this writing to believers in the place known today as Turkey, today’s Christians still wrestle in the faith as they did back then—between the belief that we must earn salvation and the tendency to forgo good works altogether. For the Galatians, the issue at play was a mistaken belief that circumcision was necessary upon coming to faith.  

Paul discussed how being led by the Holy Spirit in faith is our hope of righteousness; it is not our works that save us, but faith in the work Christ did on our behalf. Even so, good works are the evidence of His power in action within our lives. Christ kept His promise to send the Holy Spirit, and He in turn empowers and enables us to be His witnesses on mission to the world through our words and our actions. 

The balance between legalism and lawlessness could never be attained by doing more good things or by avoiding being bad; rather, the steadiness we seek is only found in following the Holy Spirit’s guidance. The proof of our following is the fruitfulness in our lives, as seen in the ways we love God and our neighbors. 

As you prepare to study Galatians 5 with your kids, consider sharing how the Holy Spirit’s guidance has shaped your own spiritual journey. May we all continue to grow in fruitfulness as we yield to the power of the Spirit in our own lives. 

Key Passage: But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. The law is not against such things. Galatians 5:22-23

Christ Connection: The Holy Spirit changes our minds and hearts so that we want to obey God, and He gives us power to obey. The Holy Spirit guides us as believers as we live out God’s mission for us to share the gospel in all the world.

Volume 10: The Holy Spirit Came

Volume 10: The Holy Spirit Came

The Holy Spirit Came (Acts 2)

In Acts 2, we find the fulfillment of Jesus’ promise from Acts 1:8. Jesus' followers devoted themselves to one another and to His mission, and we can observe their unity in the first verse of this passage. They experienced the power of the Holy Spirit together as a church body unified by more than mere proximity. 

What was the significance of the Holy Spirit’s arrival on the day of Pentecost? How did His presence lead to the furtherance of Christ’s mission? Many devout Jews traveled to Jerusalem to observe the harvest festival as usual, but the Holy Spirit offered new meaning to their celebrated traditions of old. On this day of celebrating God’s provision through the old covenant, Pentecost now signified the new covenant made possible through faith in Jesus by the power of the Holy Spirit. 

The Spirit’s presence meant that Jesus kept His promise to provide comfort and help. His provision came as His Spirit fell upon them in this new, tangible way. With visions of fiery tongues and the sound of rushing wind, the room where the followers expectantly gathered was filled with a stirring like never before. 

Jesus declared they would receive power through His Holy Spirit, and their identity as His witnesses was forever secured. Through the power of the Holy Spirit, Christ’s followers broke down barriers to communicate the gospel in languages they had never spoken before. What a mighty act of God through such a miraculous feat! His people were empowered to declare His magnificence in these new languages of praise. 

Help your kids see that Jesus’ followers are to speak His praises just as they did in this story. The day of Pentecost points to who Christ is: the Savior who seeks out the lost and breaks down barriers. Explain how the Holy Spirit comes into our lives, too, when we trust in Jesus. The faithfulness of Christ’s people on the day of Pentecost led thousands to come to faith. May we, too, be just as eager to live on mission and communicate the gospel just as faithfully. 

Christ Connection: God kept His promise to send the Holy Spirit. With the Holy Spirit’s help, Jesus’ disciples could begin their work to share the gospel with the entire world. God gives the Holy Spirit to everyone who trusts in Jesus as Lord and Savior. 

Preschool (K3-K4)

Preschool (K3-K4)

welcome to our preschool class

Sundays at 10am & 11am

Summer Preschool Lesson Schedule 2024

June 2 Baby Moses, Burning Bush ; Memory Verse: Psalm 124:8

June 9 God punishes Egypt ; Memory Verse: Psalm 124:8

June 16 Red Sea Crossing ; Memory Verse: Psalm 124:8

June 23 Water from a Rock; Memory Verse: Psalm 124:8

June 30 10 Commandments; Memory Verse: Psalm 27:11

July 7 Joshua and the battle of Jericho; Memory Verse: Psalm 27:11

July 14 Gideon; Memory Verse: Psalm 27:11

July 21 David Trusts God (David & Goliath); Memory Verse: Psalm 27:11

July 28 Elijah Reminds the Israelites to Worship only God; Memory Verse: Deuteronomy 7:9

August 4 Naaman; Memory Verse: Deuteronomy 7:9

August 11 Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego Worhsip only God; Memory Verse: Deuteronomy 7:9

August 18 Esther; Memory Verse: Deuteronomy 7:9

August 25 Widow's Mite; Memory Verse: Deuteronomy 7:9

Wednesdays at 6:45pm

Cubbies (K3-K4) features Bible memory, snacks, crafts, puppets and age-appropriate hands-on Bible learning in a setting that fosters love and respect for God. Cubbies resources will encourage and equip you to actively nurture your child. Our volunteers will work alongside you to guide children into truth.

Volume 10: The Disciples Replaced Judas

Volume 10: The Disciples Replaced Judas

The Disciples Replaced Judas (Acts 1)

In the latter half of Acts 1, Jesus’ eleven disciples were at a turning point in their ministry. Jesus had ascended to heaven, and His followers recognized the gap Judas left. They came together, united in mission and motive as they waited for the promised Holy Spirit. 

How did the disciples take their next step without Christ’s physical presence guiding them like before? To what did they cling for hope and clarity?  

Verse 14 explained that a zealous prayer life knitted together the eleven disciples and their fellow believers. This eagerness to commune with the Father not only bound them together in fellowship; it also unified them as they sought out the next leader to take Judas Iscariot’s place. 

While they followed Jesus' command to wait in Jerusalem, the disciples leaned on God's Word as the cornerstone of their faith. Peter stood up among their community of believers, reminding them of Scripture’s supremacy and foresight. He reassured them of the Holy Spirit’s movement throughout the Old Testament and emphasized His presence and guidance amidst this new turning point for the church. 

Continuing to unite themselves in prayer, they sought out the next apostle to join them as a leader. They trusted the character and direction of the God whom they served and called for Matthias to join them. Through prayer and meditation over God’s Word, they were certain about the call on this new disciple’s life. 

Consider the example set by the early church in Acts 1. When they found themselves at a crossroads, they turned to the same resources we have available today: prayer, biblical community, Scripture, and the guidance of the Holy Spirit. As you prepare to lead your kids this week, be encouraged that you are using the same tools to prepare for your family ministry as the early church used. God is faithful to use us for His kingdom purposes just as He faithfully used the early church to complete the mission He gave them.

Christ Connection: Matthias was chosen to join the apostles in sharing what they learned about Jesus. God calls us to join in this mission of sharing the gospel, working in community, and seeking Him in prayer. 

Volume 10: Jesus Gave His Followers a Mission

Volume 10: Jesus Gave His Followers a Mission

Jesus Gave His Followers a Mission (Acts 1)

Today’s passage is found in the first chapter of the book of Acts. Although Jesus’ time on earth was coming to an end, He promised to leave for His followers a special Helper and Guide. God fulfilled His promise to remain with us, and through the gift of the Holy Spirit, He also provided the power to accomplish the mission of His church. 

What was Jesus’ overall mission for His church? Better yet, how were the apostles supposed to accomplish this feat in Christ’s absence? 

Jesus’ departure meant great uncertainty for His people. He proclaimed the restoration of God’s kingdom, but His apostles could not seem to recognize His power at work. Though they requested a timeline for their troubles, the Lord directed their attention away from the passage of earthly time and instead toward the power of His Holy Spirit. 

As He did with His early followers, the Lord has called us to be witnesses of His good news to the world. He may not give us the answer to every one of our questions, but He does give us the power of the Holy Spirit to proclaim His good news with our words and actions. From Judea to Samaria, near and far, there is no place His power and purpose cannot reach. Knowing we lack the ability to do His will on our own, He provided His Holy Spirit to aid us on this mission. Jesus even declared in John 16:7 that it is better that He leave us and grant us the Spirit’s power in His place. 

As you talk with your kids this week, consider the truth that the Holy Spirit has already provided us the strength needed to witness to the next generation of Christ followers. While we may not understand His timing or plans, we can trust in His ability to provide what is needed to do His will. Help your class see that the Holy Spirit empowers us to face life’s uncertainties and to live on mission for His kingdom, leading others to place their trust in the God who provides all we need. 

Christ Connection: Jesus left earth and returned to heaven, but He did not leave us alone. Jesus sent the Holy Spirit to be with us and help us do God’s work. One day, Jesus will return to make all things new and to rule as Lord over all. 

Volume 10: God Wants Us to Know Him

Volume 10: God Wants Us to Know Him

God Wants Us to Know Him (Matthew 28)

Today's passage from Matthew 28 is referred to as “The Great Commission.” We see here that the resurrected Jesus purposely brought His eleven disciples together to receive the invitation and instruction they would need to fulfill the Father’s will. God’s overall plan for His creation has always been that they would know Him and lead others to know Him, too. 

What was the significance of Christ drawing near to them in this passage? Why does the Lord promise to be with them as He commissions them to teach the good news to others? 

Verse 18 tells us that, despite the disciples’ fear and doubt, the Lord chose to draw near to them. His words offered the encouragement and direction they needed to hear. The Word made flesh—Immanuel—draws near to His people, even amid their unworthiness. This is the essence of the gospel message, and it is the good news that sustained the church then and still does today. 

Jesus also knew the trials and persecution His disciples would face in the days to come. This is why He promised to never leave or forsake them, even when their situations seemed hopeless, disheartening, or dangerous. No matter what, until the end of the age, the Lord continues to remain near to His people. 

Consider how the Great Commission began with Jesus declaring that all authority belongs to Him because He has perfectly completed the Father's plan for salvation, accomplishing what we cannot. Then, reflect on the reality that Christ continues the call to create new disciples: to inform others of how they, too, may respond to this invitation to know Jesus for themselves. Christ—our perfect example, our God-made-flesh—has invited us into His story of redemption so we would guide others to Him as well. 

Explain to kids that despite our fear and doubt, Christ extends the Great Commission to us and has given us the authority and power to share the good news with those around us. Our call to know Jesus was never meant to end with us, but to be extended to others. 

Christ Connection: Jesus came to earth as a baby, lived a perfect life, and died on the cross for our sins. He rose from the dead and invites us into God’s family forever. God wants us to know Him and to tell others about Him, too. 

The Great Jungle Journey All Summer!

The Great Jungle Journey All Summer!

Join us for The Great Jungle Journey All Summer!

This summer on Wednesday nights from 6:45-8:00pm we will dig deeper into our VBS theme, The Great Jungle Journey. Our pastors will be teaching the kids with the addition of games or crafts and snacks. This summer programming begins May 22 and concludes with our Back to School Splash on August 7. Childcare and Kid's Wing times are open May 8 & May 15.