Greenville Drive Game - June 16th

Greenville Drive Game - June 16th

The men’s ministry hosted a night of fellowship for the whole church at the Greenville Drive game at Fluor Field. There were over 70 people from Morningside who cheered the Drive to victory in tight ballgame. We also were treated to fireworks after the game. Thanks to Drew Bullock who organized our group and handed out $70 of prizes at the game. It was a blessing to see many young and old enjoying a time of recreation. Praise the Lord for his many blessings!!!

Men's Service Opportunity - May 20

Men's Service Opportunity - May 20

The Morningside men spent Saturday morning serving multiple members as true disciples of Christ. There were 20 men working around campus putting down mulch and planting beautiful plants. There were 15 men who helped a member pack his household goods for a move to Michigan. One of our men spent two days cutting grass and trimming bushes for one of our elderly members. Overall it was a great way for our men to serve/love one another just as Christ has commanded us to do.

Workday - March 11th

Workday - March 11th

We had over 60 men, boys, and one woman come to our men’s event for breakfast and WORK! Praise the Lord we were able to get all of our projects completed. Pastor Crockett shared God’s Word on the importance of how God created man to work. Enjoy some of the pictures below of our men working to beautify our church building for the glory of God.

Shooting Range - jan 21st

Shooting Range - jan 21st

The Lord blessed us with a great day of shooting our favorite weapons at the Weiss family’s range. We enjoyed a great time of fellowship while also indulging in an excellent meal. Thanks to Josh Weiss and family for hosting our shooting event and the many men who helped keep us safe. Pastor Tom challenged them from the Bible to live a life dedicated to Christ through loyalty, sacrifice, and obedience. Thanks to all who came and enjoyed a great day!

Men’s Activity - February 11th

Men’s Activity - February 11th

On Saturday, February 11, we had a breakfast, fellowship, and blessed time to talk and pray with other men. We also were able to enjoy playing some of our favorite pastimes after prayer.  Men enjoyed cornhole in the gym, frisbee golf and soccer at local parks and much more! Hope you can join us for future events to enjoy spending time with our godly men at Morningside.

Men's Basketball Event

Men's Basketball Event

On Thursday December 8th there were over 30 men who met in the gym for an hour of basketball competition. Men from 6 to 60 years old were putting their shooting skills to the test and it was a great night of fun. Then at 7:00pm we met in the fellowship hall for a delicious burger meal by our faithful cooks. Pastor Stuhl challenged the men to take their responsibility as a man to be a better Christian, father, husband, and friend. We finished with all of the men gathering together in small groups to pray for one another. The goal of the men’s events are to challenge us to be a godly man in a culture that has made it very difficult.

Men's Dinner and Corn Hole Tournament

Men's Dinner and Corn Hole Tournament

On October 4, we enjoyed a wonderful evening of delicious food and an exciting corn hole tournament. As part of our Gospel Conference and Homecoming, we welcomed evangelist Jeremy Frazor to speak to us as well. Our hearts were encouraged through his message. Thank you to the many men who joined us.

September 10 Men's Outreach Events

September 10 Men's Outreach Events

Saturday, September 10th

There are two opportunities to serve our Community

  1. We will be going to downtown Greenville to handout Morningside tracts. Contact Pastor Stuhl for more details

  2. COMMUNITY HEALTH FAIR @ MORNINGSIDE  - September 10, 9am-3pm at Morningside 

    • Church is able to have a table as a resource with promo materials. 

    • Please sign up to help with this event if you are able

    • Sign up here: community outreach in the gym

Upcoming Event: October 4

Gospel Conference Men's Night w/evangelist Jeremy Frazor

Men's Ministry Event on August 13th

Men's Ministry Event on August 13th

Great Start to Men's Ministry
We had 65 men and boys come this past Saturday to share prayer requests and pray for one another, listen to a Bible challenge from Pastor Todd, and enjoy a hearty breakfast. Immediately following we had 30 join for a fun game of Ultimate Frisbee at Pittman Park.
Next Events:
September 10 - handout tracts and/or community outreach in the gym
October 4 - Gospel Conference Men's Night w/evangelist Jeremy Frazor